Chapter 7

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"You left Riley alone in the house?!" Kian yelled at Veda who just smirked at him her eyes filled with pure hatred. 

"I just wanted to go out with my dear friend, Emma." She said sweetly motioning to me her elbow gently nudging my side.

"Emma." I said making my voice slightly higher than usual. I made eye contact with Ivy her eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at me obviously unsure what to think. 

"Cameron, go see if Riley is in her room." Kian said and I looked over at him his eyes focused on me as he stared at my arms.

"What happened to your arms?" Ivy asked smirking at me as she crossed her arms over her chest clearly thinking she won.

"I have really dry skin so my boyfriend wrapped my arms for me." I said giving her a small smile only causing her to scowl at me.

"Kian!" Cameron yelled running out of the house and over to the garage his eyes wide as he panted slightly. "She's gone! She's not there and the patio door was open so she must have got out some how!"

Kian whipped around his eyes filled with anger as he glared at Veda who just stared at him the small smirk still on her face.

"Do you find this funny?!" He yelled and then ran a hand through his hair before pulling at it closing his eyes. "Do you want to go to jail?" He opened his eyes and stared at Veda before running his hands down his face. "I don't wanna go to jail." He moaned and I laughed watching him squirm under the thought of going to jail. 

"This isn't funny, we could all go to jail." Ivy glared at me her tone filled with hatred and no compassion at all. 

"You're right, Ivy, this is hilarious." Veda sneered a wicked smile plastered on her face as she stepped in front of me defensively. "This isn't my friend, well, Riley is my friend but-"

"That's Riley! I knew it!" Ivy yelled her voice sounding awfully high pitched and annoying. 

"What the hell, Veda! How stupid are you!" Kian screamed advancing on the two of us his eyes filled with rage and fury.

"Hey, she's not stupid!" Nate yelled walking over to defend his girlfriend and block me as well.

"We all could be in jail because of your stupid girlfriend!" Kian screamed and I bent down slightly peering out between Veda's arm to see how angry and flustered Kian looked.

"Call me stupid one more time, Lawley." Veda growled stepping towards him her eyes narrowed and her fists clenched tightly.

"I'm not going to hit you, Veda." He said looking down at her slightly even though she was almost the same height as him in her heels. 

"Why? Are you scared I would hurt you, are you scared of being beat by a little girl?" She sneered the wicked smile staying on her face as I grabbed Nate's clenched arm holding onto it tightly. He put his arm around me his hand laying on my shoulder as he pulled me into his side.

"No, I'm not that stupid I just-"

I watched as Veda punched Kian across the face his head jerking to the side. She stood in place as he slowly lifted his head up spitting out blood as he glared at Veda. She went to punch him again, but this time he grabbed her hand blocking the punch.

"Let go of her, Kian." Nate warned letting go of me as he stepped forward letting him know he was ready to defend his girlfriend.

"She's wants to fight, then fine!" Kian yelled dropping her hand and pushing her away from him slightly. "Fight me then, bitch!"

And that's when all hell broke loose. Nate and Veda both jumped at Kian who was easily fighting them off, until Veda hit his man parts as hard as she could and then continued to punch his face. Cameron dove in trying to separate everybody as Ivy jumped on Veda trying to drag her off of Kian, she also tried to get a few punches at Ivy. I looked up from the fight my eyes meeting Gilinsky's, a smirk plastered on his face. He started to walk towards me his strides long yet he walked slowly, giving me time to panic. I tried to move but I just couldn't, I felt like I was glued to the ground possibly because I was terrified. Kian and Cameron terrified me the most although Gilinsky was almost there, just not quite. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into the house his fingers rubbing circles on my side. He put his lips down to my ear kissing it gently as I closed my eyes a few tears running down my face.

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