Chapter 17

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I slowly opened my eyes hearing the beeping noise echo throughout the room. My mom was sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed I was in her eyes blood shot with large bags under her eyes. Her light brown hair was no longer beautiful but stringy and it looked like she hadn't died her roots in a while since her hair was almost all gray.

"Mom." I whispered her eyes whipping over to me as they softened and she put her hands up to her face her body trembling.

"My baby." She breathed out standing up and walking over to me her arms wrapping around me as I pressed against her closing my eyes as a few tears ran down my cheeks.

"Mom I love you so much and and I missed you so much." I sobbed as she placed kissed on my head her arms never leaving my body.

"I missed you so much too, I'm so glad you're home." She said moving my body over slightly and squeezing herself into the tiny hospital bed. "Your friends Shawn and Veda gave the police some statements and they just need you to verify them but all of those boys and that girl are in holding jail cells right now. They all pleaded guilty and are in jail for a minimum of five years before they can post bail and they were all charged with $50,000 fines. They got lucky because apparently they were somehow connected with the judge and got the minimum of everything, they should be in jail for 20 years or more. And then one of them said he wasn't guilty on räpę charges and they need you to go to court to testify against him." She said and as she spoke her last words I felt my body freeze because I knew who would plead not guilty.

"Gilinsky." I whispered feeling the tears rush down my face even harder and faster.

"Yeah, that's his name, but don't worry sweetie, he's going to go to jail for a long time they won't let him get away with this. They hurt you more than imaginable." She spoke gently her arms still tightly wrapped around me as I cried. I had thought that everything would be okay as soon as I got home but I guess I was wrong and there was also the fear of Cody and Wes who were still out in the world and not in jail. There was a knock on the door to my hospital room and then it opened a doctor, police officer, and a tall woman in a business suit all walked in.

"Riley, this is Doctor Antonio, Felicia your lawyer, and Sheriff Hunter." My mom introduced me as I just stared at all of the people in the room feeling my heart rate increase. I was still scared of people and I was still unsure of who to trust which I believe is reasonable.

"I just need to ask you some questions to verify what I have been told from your friends, Shawn Mendes and Veda Westerfield. Do you know who your kidnapper was?" Sheriff Hunter asked pulling out a pad of paper and a pen his eyes locking onto my face.

"Yes." I answered biting the inside of my lip because I was scared to get one of his questions wrong. If I answered a question the wrong way there was a possibility that Kian and the boys would be able to walk out of the holding cell and not have to go to jail.

"And can you tell me his or her name?" He asked and I just nodded glancing over at the lawyer, Felicia. I studied her hard and tense face as she kept her brown eyes not on me, but above me. Her hair was pulled back extremely tight and I could almost see the strain it was putting on her face.

"There was more than one. Matt or Matthew is the one who took me from the school and Sam and Nate drove the car to take me back to their house. Kian was the....leader of their group and I believe that Cameron was next in 'charge'. So in total that makes Kian, Cameron, Matt, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Sam, Nate and Ivy. I-I think that's all." I finished looking up at the sheriff who was finishing writing in his notepad. He clicked the pen shut and looked up at me with a small satisfied smile and put away the pen and notepad.

"Thank you, Riley, your testimony really helps." He said but I held my hand up and cleared my throat making him stop walking towards the door.

"I know who killed Camila. I know where they took us and where they killed her and almost me." I said images of her body falling to the ground and blood everywhere flashing through my mind.

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