Chapter 18

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"ATTENTION SENIORS! WE WILL BE HAVING A CLASS MEETING TODAY AT 3! DO NOT MISS IT!" Natalie yelled her hair pulled back into a high ponytail as she shot me a small glare. I skipped most of the senior meetings and she hated me for it but she also hated me for putting her boyfriend into jail. I don't know why she would be angry with me because her boyfriend or whoever Matt was to her kidnapped and hurt me so he deserves jail time. It's been four years since I got out and it still feels like yesterday not at all like four years. The boys were all still in jail and Veda moved in with us for her own safety and because she was lonely staying in hotels every night. Shawn and I are still together and he drives me home everyday, I'm no longer aloud to walk by myself which I am completely okay with. I go to a therapist every Tuesday and Thursday but I'm also on antidepressants because of an incident that happened after I saw Gilinsky in court. That really set me back because I can still vividly remember the whole day and the memories are constantly playing on repeat.

People shuffled in around me as I sat in the back Shawn on my left and my mom and David on my right. I clutched onto Shawn's hand as tight as I could because I was terrified to see him. I didn't want him to win, he needed to go to jail for as long as possible. The door opened and Gilinsky was walked in his wrists and ankles cuffed together and the orange jumpsuit clinging to his bicep tightly. We all stood and I watched the judge walk in and then sit down my stomach aching as Gilinsky looked over to my lawyer almost as if he was looking for me. Felicia stood up her jet black pant suit hugging her hips as she started to make her speech calling Gilinsky to the stand. I watched him walk up and his eyes scan the crown before they locked onto mine and a smirk overtook his face.

"Mr. Gilinsky, can you tell me how old you are." Felicia asked his eyes still staying put on me as my chest rapidly rose and fell my breathing rapid and loud.

"I'm 19." He said the shuffling in the courtroom quieting down as Felicia nodded and tapped her pencil on her notebook.

"And do you know how old Riley is?" She asked pushing her glasses back on the top of her head.

"Yeah, she was 15, right?" He asked smirking even more as he continued to stare me down my grip on Shawn's hand tightening even more.

"Yes, she was. And I have a few final questions for you. Was it consensual?"

"Depends on how you want me to put it."

My heart stopped and my eyes widened as he licked his lips leaning forward and placing his hands out in front of him. He was going to do it.

"I want a straightforward answer, yes or no. Did you räpę Riley Everhart?" She asked the shuffling in the courtroom back again as Gilinsky shrugged and leaned back in his seat.

"With the way she was screaming my name, I don't think so." He chuckled my choked sobs instantly filling the silent courtroom as Shawn pulled me into his side holding me tightly and my mom wiped her tears away with a shaking hand.

"I'm going to ask you again, Mr. Gilinsky, did you or did you not räpę Riley Everhart?"

"Objection!" His lawyer yelled from his side and the judge just put his hand up and nodded.

"Overruled, the witness will answer the question."

"Want to know the truth? I räpęd little Riley because I wanted to and I said that I didn't do it just so I would get the chance to see her pretty little face." He snarled my tears pouring out even harder as the court room filled with yelling and angry family members. The judge slammed his gavel down and yelled over the noise as Gilinsky was escorted out and I was soon led into the hallway my sobs echoing off the plain walls.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I heard Gilinsky's voice from around the corner as I was forced out of the courtroom. "You're supposed to be dead!" I heard him yell before the doors were closed and I was led into the back of my mom's RAV4 Shawn sliding in behind me.

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