Chapter 16

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"Are you ready for me to tell you what happened?" Gilinsky murmured into my ear only letting me nodd out of shock and because I was scared to enjoy the feeling of him on me. "Use your words then, baby girl."

"Yes, tell me what happened." I whispered chills running down my arms as he called me baby girl, even though I knew he was most likely taunting me.

"Well, you know that Kian brought you downstairs to be punished right?" I nodded listening to his words and the way he said them, the way he made everything sound aggressive. "Do you remember when Cameron first started? And what's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember up until Cameron cut the back of my thigh and th-then I'm pretty sure I blacked out but I can clearly remember talking to Camila but it was weird talk like it wasn't her but it was." I said remembering how she had shoved her finger over my mouth and shushed me when I wasn't talking.

"You must have been going in and out, do you remember what you and Camila were talking about or what happened?" He asked his words still aggressive even though I knew he wasn't meaning to be.

"Yeah, she told me I fell in a pool and hit my head and then she told me not to cry, but I wasn't crying and then when I felt my face it was bloody and my hands were bloody and-and my stomach was all cut and bloody. And-and then you were there and you forced me to kiss you and you touched my neck but then you pulled away and your hand was all bloody and when I felt my neck I felt a giant bloody gash. And then all the faces of people around me started to morph and change and I got scared and I thought I was going crazy so I just fell to the ground, oh and my wrist started to swell, but after I fell I heard somebody else screaming so I tried to talk to them only to realize that I was now choking myself and couldn't stop. Then you pointed a gun at me and said something but I don't remember what it was and I don't know if you shot me or what but I fell over and then I think I woke up to Shawn and Veda but I don't think that was real either." I said finishing with a sigh as I looked down at my shaking hands. I quickly hid them under the blanket not wanting Gilinsky to see the effect he had on me.

"That's kinda like what really happened. After you blacked out Cameron was clearly angry with you for some reason that none of us are really sure of and he just kept beating you no matter how many times Kian told him to stop. He kept yelling at you to stop crying but you were passed out and had no tears coming from your eyes but you didn't listen so he cut your stomach. It was like he was crazy because he just kept going, he cut your neck after punching you in the face, I'm pretty sure he rebroke your nose, and then fractured your hand. After he cut your neck it was almost like you were awake again but we all knew you weren't and then he started to strangle you as your body was half awake and half passed out. You kept choking and there was just blood everywhere and he wouldn't stop and Kian wasn't going to intervene, he can't because if he does or if he did he would lose the other boys respect, so he didn't. It was almost like your body knew you were going to die and your eyes were forced open as you struggled for air before it just shut down and you stopped. Cameron let go of your body and we all thought you were dead but he didn't. He grabbed a gun and while he was grabbing the gun you were once again half awake and half on the verge of drying. You were mumbling stuff but blood was spluttering out of your mouth and you started to choke as he shoved the gun into your temple. That was when we all realized the extent of what he was going to do and what he was trying to do so we all went over to stop him and pull him away from you. Kian didn't but instead called up Shawn who came over in what felt like ten hours but was actually just ten long minutes. You couldn't breathe on your own and us boys had to take turns giving CPR to you until Shawn could arrive. Matt was the first to volunteer and since all of us boys are trained we just kept switching so nobody got tired. Then Shawn came and he took you back to Nash's place where they kept you and he said you woke up after about two hours on the ventilator before screaming that nothing was real before he put you into a coma. Then you stayed like that for a pretty long time until he said you were decent enough to wake up. But yeah, so here you are now and Cameron is still pissed at you so you must have done something pretty bad for him to still be angry." He finished shifting how he was laying before yawning. "I'm hungry, can I go back down and finish eating?"

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