Chapter 14

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After I had finished with Kian I was set into a room and the door was locked behind me and I was currently laying on one of the boys beds watching TV as I waited for the news to come on. I closed my eyes tired from staring at the TV for so many hours but I knew the news had to be on soon. As if on cue I heard the sound of the beginning of the news my eyes flashing open as the words 'Breaking News' flashed on the screen. It switched to a live feed of a news reporter standing in front of the park that I had been at not too long ago.

"Here we are live at the abandoned Oakland Forest Park where hours ago the body of a teenage girl was found. The body has since then been identified as Camila Gomez, the young girl who went missing four years ago. Her family was contacted and are here at the scene clearly heartbroken over what has happened to their daughter." I watched as the camera cut to Camila's family crying in eachothers arms, her mother's whole body shaking. I felt the tears run down my face as I stared at her mom who wouldn't stop crying as her dad tried to hold back his own choked sobs to comfort his wife and other daughter. "Mr. and Mrs. Gomez, do you have anything to say at this time?"

"We just want to tell whoever killed our little girl that we are going to find you. You kept our daughter from us for all those years only for us to find her broken, bloody, beaten, and dead." Her father choked out before he broke down in sobs.

"My little girl!" Her mom wailed out before falling into her husband's chest as the two sobbed and the camera cut back to the reporter at the front of the forest.

"Camila's body was taken to be tested for DNA and we will have more news on this developing story soon. Back to you in the studio, Kim." I turned the TV off as soon as she was done and laid back onto the bed small sobs escaping my lips.

I knew who killed Camila and I couldn't tell them. I couldn't do the only thing to save my best friend because I was useless. I closed my eyes and continued to sob as I heard the door open and close. I didn't even know who's room I was in but only that it was one of the boys. I opened my eyes and looked over to find Cameron slowly closing the door my stomach clenching.

"Oh, I didn't know I would get to stay with the little girl who has daddy issues." He sneered smirking at me as he stalked towards the bed.

"At least I'm not a dad." I snapped back regretting it instantly as he chuckled in response.

"At least I had a dad." He smiled sitting down onto the bed next to me as I felt the tears well up in my eyes and the anger in my increase rapidly.

"I do have a dad." I said angrily our eyes locking as he just kept the stupid smirk on his face his eyes never leaving mine.

"Oh yeah? Then why hasn't he come to save you yet? Are you daddy's little girl? He doesn't even care about you enough to look for you, he isn't looking for you." He said and I closed my eyes shaking my head.

"That's not true, he just wasn't ready for a kid and that's why he left. He's looking for me and he's going to be back for me." I said trying to convince myself that my dad loved me and he was looking for me wherever he was.

"Then why did he leave you, if he loves you so much. Your mom doesn't even love you." I quickly opened my eyes a lone tear running down my face as I fiercely shook my head.

"That's not true at all, she loves me." I said starting to wonder if my mom really did love me. I was still here in this terrible house and I haven't heard her on the news or anything about me in the news as well. I felt more tears stream down my face as I continued to think about Cameron's words and if they were true or not.

"You know it's true." I looked up at his smirking face wishing for him to stop talking. "You know you aren't loved and that everybody is glad you are here. Us taking and killing you is doing them a favor." I felt more tears run down my face as I tried to blink them back, but it was no use because I knew Cameron's words were true.

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