1.) First encounter

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Sanemi's Pov:

Someone who I had just met yesterday, and I'm already head over heals. I swear I would do anything for him to be mine. Absolutely. Anything.

Giyu Tomioka..the most gorgeous person I've ever seen, with his beautiful black silky hair. Blue eyes. Pale milky skin. Does that sound creepy? Nah.


The Day Before:

'bro I fucking hate school.' I was scrolling through Tiktok while I walked through the crowded ass hallways when someone ran into me knocking ME as well as themselves to the ground

"What the fuck!?"

I looked over to the person that ran into me and 'Holy shit.' they looked stunning. Black hair tied back into a messy ponytail with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.

They quickly scrambled off the ground and reached their hand over help me off the ground, obviously I took their hand. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going.. Good bye, have a nice day.!" He said maintaining eye contact for a few more seconds then running away giving me a small wave

I saw him run away, probably embarrassed or running late to a class. His voice sounded so dull yet sweet, 'i had to make him mine."


Giyu's Pov:

I made it to class in time for the bell to ring, but accidentally ran into someone on the way, whoops. I walked to my seat in the back of the class, it's easier to sleep back there anyways so I didn't really mind.

I heard some kids laughing and giggling, I looked over to seem some random ass kids staring and laughing at me

"Look the loner is looking at us!"

I heard one of the boys in my class say

"Why does he bother even living? No one likes him!"

One of the girls said laughing and pointing towards me

I didn't really care what they said, they said that everyday. Go get a hobby or something damn.


Sanemi's Pov:

I followed him to his class so I would know what he had first period. Peaking in through the classroom window.
Being able to hear what those absolute ASSHOLES were staying about someone that perfect. They were definitely jealous.

I had to use every strength in my body to not break this damn door down and rip all their limbs off one by one then burn them alive.


Erm so this is my first time writing on Wattpad mb if it's cringe
I had to add some of Giyus sass

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