2.) Tripped

26 3 49

Tw: blood

Sanemi's Pov:

I made it to class 10 minutes late, the teacher was cool and didn't really give a fuck.

I wanted to get to know more about him, but it's not like 'I could ask one of his friends because no offense, it didn't look like he had any. I'll just find stuff out myself' I could just stalk him, doesn't sound that bad.

I sat at the back of the class in my spot, and started to do my homework since I forgot to do it last night and no one wanted to give me the answers.

'Fake ass bitches'


After school ended

I waited out near the school gate for him to come out, maybe he already left or something- nevermind

I saw him come out the school doors staring down at his phone I was gonna approach him when..


3rd person

Giyu was walking out of the school doors, looking down at his phone. When someone shoved the side of his leg, which caused him to stumble. He tried to break his fall by putting his hands out but failed and fell flat on his face.

The person that had tripped him ,
one of Giyu's classmates in his first period, started to laugh at Giyu along with his friends.

Sanemi watched everything from afar. when he saw Giyu fall face first he felt his blood boil, he walked up to the person who tripped Giyu and tapped their shoulder.


Sanemi's Pov:

I walked up to the bitch that tripped my Giyu, when he turned around I punched him right in its nose and knocked him to the ground.

I got on top of it and grabbed a fist full of its hair then started to slam his head repeatedly on the concrete ground.


Giyu's Pov:

I was tripped, yay. I lifted my head up and my upper body up when I heard a bunch of commotion next to me.

I turned my view and saw some guy slamming some person's head, who I assumed tripped me, on the hard ground.

'Holy shit..' I felt my eyes widen, shock? Fear? Probably both. the ground under the guys head was covered in blood, I swear I felt some splatter on my face..

I lifted myself off the ground and just stared at the bloody scene going on in front of me. I saw some of the school's security guards run over and try to get the guy off the dude that tripped me- wait, 'Isn't that the guy I accidentally ran into..?'


Several minutes later

They finally got that guy off of the other, 'I think I'm traumatized.' I saw the security take the bleeding guy into the school building, I'm guessing probably to the nurses office..

I looked over at the one that slammed the other dude's head on the concrete, but he was already staring at me, 'weird..' I looked away and felt someone right behind me.


Sanemi's Pov:

I walked up to the beautiful person in front of me and tapped his shoulder, Giyu turned around and I could now see his perfect face up close, his blue deep eyes, his pale milky skin, and his bangs that framed his face perfectly

"Hey, you okay? I saw that asshole trip you."

I saw his face look slightly shocked

"I'm fine, did you really do.. That.. because he tripped me?"

I was overjoyed when I heard his voice again, his voice was so relaxing..

" Of course! I couldn't stand seeing that bitch tripping you and not having consequences. He deserved it"

"Wasn't it maybe a bit..Too much.?"

I saw him looking towards the school doors where they took that bitch, probably to nurses office to stop the bleeding or something.

"Nah. Anyways, can I maybe walk you home? Plus the security guards are probably gonna come out looking for me so it's probably best if I leave."

I saw Giyu look back at me with an expression of hesitance and unsureness, then he gave me an answer,

"I suppose."


Words: 687

Yay new chapter

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