Just after Dawn

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Angeline stood in front of her closet, pondering her dream. The sun had just risen and she was hoping to go for a walk before anyone, especially Xavier woke up. Picking her only pair of jeans and a silky cream top, she wondered what her parents would think of this. They would just smile and say that they knew she would make the right choice. People were always so sure of her. Sometimes she felt they expected too much. She was only human. Angeline giggled. You're not human, silly. Slipping into her green converse she twirled into the hallway, slid down the wide banister and out to the north field.

Usually she hung by the apple orchards with Toulouse, but today she fhelt like exploring something new. The dewy grass squished underneath her feet as she walked toward the north fields. As far as she knew there could be anything, a whole unexplored world. Angeline turned into the path that would take her from the house's garden to the north field. She stopped in awe.

In front of her towered walls of hedges weaved with roses and choked with ivy. The wall stretched in every direction, like arms stretching to block a forbidden path. It was a maze! Now.. how to get in? Then she saw it, an arch of intricately carved wood, plastered right in the middle of the wall. A door.

"Woah." she breathed, her bursting happiness conveyed through a single word. Almost on cue, a breeze flew past her. A flap of black feathers blew her bangs onto her face. Instantly whatever little pain or sadness she had ever felt, fell off her; like shedding a single tear, and it was gone.

"Hi, Bennet." she chirped, resisting the urge to fall into to his arms and kiss him. Wait. What? Did she like him too? Angeline almost giggled at herself. Look at you, getting yourself into a cute little love triangle. What are you going to do now?

"Hello, Angeline." He came up behind her and stood next to her, effectively blocking the wind. "Would you like to come with me on a little adventure?" Angeline giggled at the irony. "That would be lovely, Bennet. I was actually just planning on exploring the maze." Bennet smiled. He seemed to be doing that more and more. Well, she thought congratulating herself. I do seem to have that effect on people. Bennet started to walk toward the door, hand in his pockets. Angeline went to join him. The obvious question would be how they would get up to the door but seeing as they were both very smart beings, even though not much thinking is necessary to solve the problem in question. Bennet scooped her up, bridal-style, spread his wings and in a flick of a feather, they had flown over the entire maze and into the very heart.

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