Chapter 11 ~ Miss Heartless

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As I finally came home after a long day at the office, filled with calls, paperwork and meetings, I kicked off my heels and threw my keys on the table beside the door. I immediately made my way to my fridge and looked for something edible.

To my big surprise, there was one container in the fridge, containing some homemade pasta, and a container holding a piece of strawberry cheesecake.

On the kitchen counter, next to my fridge, was a note from my mom.


I am so sorry about what happened at the dinner. I tried to talk to your father, but you know how he can be. There are some containers with pasta and dessert in the fridge for you. Please, give me a call when you get home dear.


I cleared the content of the container on a plate and put it in the microwave to heat up and then immediately grabbed my phone to call my mother. As she was probably waiting for my call, I wasn't surprised she answered right after the first ring.

"Vi, thank heavens! Are you okay? You haven't called after what happened at dinner and I was really worried about you. Oh, honey, I am so sorry your father lashed out on you like that. And Aaron, I had no idea he would hit it off with Luna. He seemed like the perfect guy for you!"

My mom was rambling on the phone and somehow it immediately put a smile on my face.

This was so typical for her, apologizing for the stuff she had no control over. It made me love her so much more.

"Mom, calm down. It's okay, it's not your fault. Dad will always be dad, we know he'll never change. And the matter considering Aaron, it's okay. Luna deserves it, he is a good guy. I will be fine, I will find someone, and if not, I will still be okay. Don't you worry about me okay."

The microwave beeped, signalling that my food was now warm and ready to be eaten.

"Look, mom, I have to go now or else my pasta will be cold. How about we have lunch together tomorrow, that way you can see for yourself that I am eating well. We can also ask Luna to come and have some quality mother-daughter time. I think we could all use some."

My mother easily agreed and I quickly sent out a message to Luna to inform her about the lunch and asking her if she, too, was coming along.

When she also agreed I got my plate from the microwave and some cutlery from the kitchen-drawer and sat down at my kitchen island.

I took my first bite and was immediately reminded of my mother's cooking skills.

She taught me everything I know and I have always loved cooking but I just don't have the time to slave myself over the stove every night, so logically, my diet consisted of business lunches and take-out dinners.

After finishing my dinner I put my dishes in the dishwasher and sat back down, this time with my laptop in front of me.

While I was going through some of my emails, I thought back to that one message I received on the dating website and eagerly logged in to see if he replied yet.

As the page was loading, I felt myself getting slightly nervous and I immediately felt like I was back in high school, constantly wondering if my crush would reciprocate my feelings.

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