Chapter 21 ~ Miss Heartless

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A week had passed and Arial and I have been practically mulled up into my office looking at different charts and other documents that contained the outcomes of the marketing research.

Things would have an easy fix if there was just one obvious problem. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the problems that Vinox Inc. had, weren't that simple.

Ari and I were thinking about a strategy that we could use to fix this. No solution was too crazy, but we just had to pinpoint the exact problem. People thought the hotels of the Vinox chain, weren't accessible enough. Could they be any vaguer?

"Hold on a minute," said Arial as she walked out of my office to answer the phone ringing on her desk.

"This is Arial from Ms Vinox's office, how can I help you?"

I looked over to her and it was a good thing that I did. There she stood, trying to signal me over and making weird faces. This couldn't be good.

I walked over there and she immediately put the phone in my hand and made some weird signals with her hands pointing to me and then back to her.

I just rolled my eyes at her, used to her frantic. Although, she seemed to go a little overboard this time.


The voice on the other side of the line immediately explained Ari's weird behaviour.

This was a close call. But Aiden was a smart guy.

"Arial? Are you okay? Your voice sounded a little weird just there. I tried to call you on your cell, but it went straight to Voicemail so I figured your battery died or something."

In reality, I had turned my phone off. I didn't want to be distracted by Aiden's texts or whatsoever.

Fair was fair, she needed to figure this all out if she wanted a real chance for her and Aiden to maybe have something in the long haul.

"Yeah, sorry. It has been a long day at the office and I forgot to bring my charger. Is there anything I can do for you? Not to brush you off," said she, slightly getting nervous and feeling guilty for her lie.

"But there is a lot that has to be done before we call it a night."

Of course, he didn't give up that easily. That was one thing I had learnt about him in the short time I've known him.

"Oh, come on. Even if there is a lot that has to be done, you still need to eat. The same counts for that boss of yours. Luckily for the both of you, I am outside the entrance of your building carrying more Thai food than one can possibly eat. Please, let me come up so I can make sure you eat something and not starve yourself to death. Besides, I would love to meet the person responsible for keeping you away from me this past week."

As if on cue, my stomach started to growl and I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, I'll be right down to let you in," and with that, I hung up the phone.

"Ari, we may have a little problem. He's downstairs and he brought us food. Can you please just pretend like you are me? I know this is a mess, but I can't really send him away now, can I."

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