Chapter 20 ~ Miss Heartless

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After spending a remarkable night with him. I slept with him laying on his chest. Naked.

He was playing with my hair like a little kid before falling asleep and the sight was too adorable.

Afterwards, he took care of me so that I feel comfortable with him after this unforgettable sex that he offered me.

Both his sides, during sex and after that, are just perfect as a smooth fine old wine. And I loved that.


That was a crazy night.

What happened?

Was that me?

How could something that, from the core of my being, I knew was wrong, feel so right?

I laid in my bed, looking at the ceiling reliving every minute of the night before.

What was I thinking?

As I was planning on giving myself a lecture my phone buzzed on my nightstand. A text from Arial.

Arial: Don't forget you have that conference call at 9.30. Where are you?

It was then that I looked at the clock and saw that is was 9.15 already. SHIT! This was not good.

I looked around the room, slightly panicked. What was I going to do?

Next to me laid the handsome Aiden, as naked as the day he was born. I was in bed wearing my birthday suit as well.

In fifteen minutes I had one of the few really important conference calls and I couldn't screw this up.

Normally doing the call from home was no problem, but I couldn't risk Aiden finding out who I am. Neither could I make it to the office on time.

I quickly got out of bed and got dressed. In this case, getting dressed meant that I quickly put on a blouse which would cover my neck and put my hair in a ponytail.

As soon as I looked somehow decent, I beamed out of my bedroom and softly closed the door.

Taking my seat by my kitchen island, behind my laptop, I took a deep breath.

I would just have to plug in my earphones and hope I could lower my voice enough not to wake Aiden and pray he wouldn't wake up just yet.


"Okay, so let's round this up. I want a grand scale marketing research being done on our company. I want to know what is the reason people won't book a room at the Vinox chain of hotels. We need to know the problem in order to fix it."

And with that, I ended the conference call and shut my laptop. I sighed a sigh in relief. That was a close call.

The sound of a clearing throat caught my attention and my eyes immediately sought for the source.

There he stood. Just wearing his briefs, in all his well-formed glory. There he stood, just looking at me. Looking at me as if he was searching for a logical explanation.

"What is this all?"

"This is me doing my job. Besides, how long have you been standing there?"

If the topic wouldn't change quickly, I was done. Finished. I felt my nerves rise and my breathing went shallow.

"I have been standing here for long enough to be a little suspicious about what is going on here. Marketing problems? Really? Is that why you suddenly regained interest in me? Is it something your boss made you do? You want me to fix your marketing problems? Is that why you took me home last night?"

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