Chapter 19 ~ His Princess

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He smiles knowingly and the sight is devastating. While I'm busy having a mini heart attack, he pulls me in close, wrapping one arm around my waist while his other hands cups the back of my neck. His minty breath fans across my face, caressing my lips like a light breeze in the spring.

Severe shivers wrack my body when he licks a wet trail down to the juncture of my neck. He pauses and it feels like I'm burning out from inside. I hold my breath, the anticipation rattling my bone.

And then he's biting and sucking down again, pulling an animalistic sound from the depths of my chest. He does this, over and over, leaving a trail of hickeys down my neck and across my shoulder

I'm breathless by the time he pulls away.

"Good girl", he breathes, his own voice airy.

His hands wrap around my throat, pushing me back while he slights his hairs backwards.

"You are mine now! Those hickeys are nothing but the sign that you only belong to me"

I stare up at him overwhelmed with a tsunami of emotions.

Before I can react, he goes out of my car, comes and opens my door and gives me his hand to come out.

As soon as I'm out of my car he lifts me up and tosses me over his shoulder like my weight is nothing to him. I'm a bag of air in front of him. Weightless.

My voice chocked as I stammered.

"Argh - I - what - hey - what are you doing !?"

A sharp slap to my ass is his only response.

He carries me in the hallway to the elevator and asks me for my floor.

"5th", I answered instantly.

He smirked. And responsed with a slap on my ass again.

"I guess someone is eagerly waiting for the night to start"

I am too embarrassed to admit that. The entire time in the hallway I was hiding my face from the people there.

When we reach my floor he drags my body down his front until my legs are wrapped around his waist and he's cradling me to his chest.

His large palms cup my asscheeks, the tips of his fingers a mere inch from my entrance as he tosses me on my bed.

He doesn't explore, the teasing touch setting me aflame and flooding me with anticipation.

He only teases for a few moments before his mouth is crashing on to mine. The inferno in my body escapes from my throat and ignites our connected lips.

Without thought, I arch into him, desperate to feel more of him against me.

His lips move over mine with raw hunger. He doesn't just kiss me. He fucks my mouth with his tongue. Traps my lips between his teeth and bites. Explores every inch of my mouth as he devours me.

And I let him.

I let him consume me because I'm beginning to forget what I'm in the name of Veronica Vinox. I'm happy with this.

I plunge my hands beneath his white shirt, clawing at his stomach and allowing myself to explore his body.

A body I haven't explored nearly enough.

My fingers drift over his abs, familiarizing myself with the hard divots while he takes over my mouth once more. My nipples scrape against his chest and I can't stop the moan that releases from my throat.

The sound swirls in our mouths, and he rewards me with a harsh nip to my bottom lip, dragging the sensitive flesh between his teeth.

He rears back and looks down at me, his eyes slowly taking in my naked form. My dark mocha brown hairs are waving all across my chest.

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