It's Hard

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Say words and you may crumble, don't say words and you may fade away.. life with an  Autism diagnosis will never be the same. People will hate, people will leave, no matter what you say it doesn't mean anything. I'm too much or not enough, these expectations are and have always been killing me.  I'm lazy or selfish, when all I need is rest. Gotta be up and doing things or I'm useless. I'm in pain and tired, but it doesn't matter if you're always tired! I'm stupid when I can't remember things, I'm a waste of space and effort, nothing I do is good enough and it never has or will be. My feelings don't matter, if I show too much I'm crazy, if I show too little I'm rude. You're not overwhelmed! stop being so stupid.. Why do I need to be someone different, just feel accepted. I'm left out, often forgotten. Don't worry people say, everyone feels that way! No you don't understand, Autism/ ADHD ruins my life and you will never understand.
So please don't say otherwise, when I'm told daily, I'm a fucked up piece of shit that should just go away.

Diagnosed Late .1 (Finding Myself Series)Where stories live. Discover now