New Chapter In Life

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As I grow as a person I start to grow these  little sprouts, Flowers are blooming in the areas that where drought.  People try to pluck my flowers, trample on them if they may. I grow back stronger and tougher to keep them outway. I keep those close in my life that accepts me for me, help me grow from my mistakes and help me believe.

As I explore parts of myself that where shut down as a child. I grew to love myself and learned how to smile.
When people say you choose your family, i never thought mine would come in mile. Feelings I never felt before where difficult for awhile. But who i have now i appreciate them the most. I'm greatful for them you all helped give me hope.

The simple things bring pleasure to me, rocks, flowers &  trees. The nature you see when Im surrounded in it, it calms & grounds me. Watching the water flow over the rocks, hearing the birds and animals carrying on with the wind. The smell of the fresh rain as it hits the ground. The sound of the leaves crunching under my feet. These are the simple things that bring out the best in me.

My interest are small. But my heart is big I care too much and it gets me every bit. I'm optimistic about the world and have too much hope. reality at time makes it difficult for me to cope. I am someone who helps and wants to make the world a better place. I will get there one day. No matter how long it takes.
I'm a big dreamer and I won't let that stop me.

Diagnosed Late .1 (Finding Myself Series)Where stories live. Discover now