Part 7 : Welcome party

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"Let's go, John

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"Let's go, John. We have to go shopping, man."

Then they both left from there.

~Author's pov~

It was 11 PM at night when Alex and John finished their shopping. They decided to go to Zaim's house. As they reached at Zaim's house found him sitting on his terrace with his cat named 'Ellie' under dim lights. Zaim was caressing and kissing her forehead. Alex and John smiled upon seeing him happy while entering the terrace.

John said in a loud maintained voice,
"Hey bro, what are you doing alone in this huge house huh? Where is your dad ?"

Zaim turned his head towards the direction of the voice, he looked at John and Alex coming. he smiled upon seeing them there however he didn't respond to John's question and gestured for them to sit on the couch, they sat down and started talking with each other.

Zaim was still caressing his cat Ellie, right then he asked them.
"Where are you coming from ?" He asked again as his gaze fell on their shopping,
"Shopping hmm."

John then grabbed a glass of water from the table and asked Zaim while looking at him with a pleading expression,
"Yeah, Zaim, you should come to the party, bro. Why did you deny? We didn't ask there because we thought it was not appropriate to ask your reason in front of them."

He then gulped down the water. Zaim glared at him, feeling strange at John's statement. Then, he moved back towards his cat and replied in a gentle voice,
"I'm just not in the mood to go."

Alex and John looked at him with worried expressions. Then they glanced at each other. Right then, Alex leaned forward a little, joining his palms together, and said,
"Don't you dare to hide anything from us this time, or you'll see my real face."

Zaim raised his head, looking back and forth between them then he smiled a little and held Alex's hand with his one hand and then he replied,

"There is nothing to worry about guys I just want to take a rest for a while on the weekend you know we have been working on a project and serving our days and nights to it so I'm just tired and need to rest , that's all, or If there was anything to worry about, I would definitely tell you but there is nothing to get worry.

Just relax I have told you before I'm okay and you know whenever Mr Ali and his wife are here in Korea my mood automatically changes, don't worry it's normal guys I'm alright."

He stood up from his seat while taking his cat in his arms and asked them in a neutral tone,
"Ok tell me what would you both like to eat ?"

Alex and John also stood up from their seats and grabbed him around his shoulders joining him as they headed to the kitchen then Alex said while looking at Zaim,
"We'll cook together."

Then they cooked for themselves. Zaim made Chinese rice with Jalfrezi, Alex made chow mein, while John, who was not adept at cooking, joking around and made them laugh with his lame jokes.

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