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"No. Please explain why Seungmin came to me asking to confirm that you and Minho aren't together. I know you guys stayed in the dance studio but what were you doing?" Hyunjin immediately begun his interrogation as soon as he realized Felix had joined them

"Chan, make it stop please," Felix said with a pout.

"I wanna hear the answers just as much as he does," the oldest responded.

"He was there because I tutored him after. We just got a little side tracked because he said that he used to dance so I tried teaching him what ever been learning. I just had to fix his posture a little and Seungmin walked in on it."

"Please tell him that. He looked so sad," Hyunjin explained.

"Unless you like Minho," Chan added.

"I don't like Minho."

"Because you love me?" Minho asked from behind him.

"You have to stop doing that."

If he liked me he would have said yes when I asked him out yesterday, Minho thought to himself but couldn't find the guts to say it out loud.

"You didn't say no," Minho pointed out.

"I'll meet you at the doors after school," Felix said as he knew what the next words out of Minho's mouth were gonna be.

"See you then," Minho said with a smile and walked away.

"Okay what is happening?" Hyunjin asked.

"With what?"

"You two. The way he was looking at you? You weren't as mean as you usually are to him."

"Nothing. I guess we've just gotten used to each other," Felix shrugged.

"Do you like him?" Chan asked. "Answer seriously."

"No, of course not. I don't like him like that. Maybe as a friend but not as more than that."

"Then invite him to have lunch with us. If you guys are gonna be friends then he should be our friend too," Hyunjin urged and noticed the hesitation before Felix responded.

"I would but um...you both have boyfriends. Wouldn't his flirting make you a little uncomfortable?"

"I think that's only something he does with you."

"Fine, I'll go ask him," Felix said and nervously walked away to go find Minho.

He wouldn't have expected anything other than finding him with his eyes closed and head on his desk in his first period class before it had even started.

He sat in the desk in front of Minho's and turned around, laying his head down as well, looking at Minho.

Of course the movement made Minho open his eyes and immediately blush once he saw how close Felix was. He could see everything, all of the imperfections that somehow made him seem even more perfect. The faded freckles that were scattered along his cheeks and nose, his long eyelashes, and chocolate brown eyes that were looking right at him, making it difficult to breathe.

"Am I dreaming?" Minho asked and Felix let out a small laugh.

"What if you were?"

"You wouldn't move away," Minho said and moved a bit closer to Felix.

"You're right, that would only happen in a dream," Felix said and sat up normally, making Minho pout as he did the same.

"I was hoping for too much. It's already kinda unbelievable that you're coming to talk to me in your free time."

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come have lunch with me and Chan and Hyunjin?" Felix asked, starting down at the desk, occasionally glancing up at Minho.

"I mean I would prefer if it were just us two but yeah, I'll have lunch with you guys."

"I'll see you then," Felix said and stood up but stopped when he felt a hand wrap around his wrist.

"Stay with me till the bell rings."


"We can practice English."

"Wow, you're getting really desperate to spend time with me, aren't you?" Felix asked.


"How are you?"


"Why? You should be happy that I invited you to lunch," Felix explained in Korean, acting offended.

"You...no answer my question."

"You didn't answer my question," Felix corrected.


"I will think about it," Felix replied even though he still had no idea that Minho was being serious, he still thought it was a joke.

"What does that mean?" Minho asked and Felix shrugged.

"Start studying more, I'll see you at lunch."

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