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Minho thought that kissing Felix would make the younger feel more comfortable around him, maybe make eye contract without it being forced every once in a while, possibly be a little bit more confident around him.

However, all of those assumptions were proven wrong very quickly after it had happened. Felix somehow seemed even more prone to looking anywhere but at Minho, he was more shy and cautious about what he said, definitely didn't become confident in any sort of way.

Minho didn't really mind though, it's just made him more fun to mess with.

"Are you doing anything after school?" Minho asked as he approached Felix and his friends at school the next morning. He put his arm around his shoulder and pulled the younger a bit closer to him, causing Felix to blush like crazy.


"I want to hang out with you," Minho explained with a small pout.

"Have you started your essay yet?"

"Mhm, can't believe I'm actually enjoying a school assignment for once in my life?"

"Why are you enjoying it?" Felix asked, confused since Minho had made it very clear that he hated anything related to school.

"Because I get to write about you," Minho explained, causing the younger to feel a swarm of butterflies in his stomach.

"You aren't writing that essay about me Minho. You know you have to read it in front of your class, right?"

"It's okay I'll ask you the question before I have to read it."

"What question?" Felix shook his head but the bell rang before Minho could say anything. "I'll meet you by the door after school."

His friends had lots of questions as to what that interaction was all about but Felix had rushed off to his class before they could say a word.


"Hi," Minho said as he approached Felix by the doors after school had ended.

"Hi," Felix said back and started walking without saying another word.

"Why are you being so rude?" Miho asked as he caught up and enlaced their hands together.

"I'm not being rude."

"If you say so...what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Felix asked back, staring at their hands which he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of.

"Wanna go make out?" Minho asked, knowing it would get some sort of reaction out of Felix, which it did.

"You can't just ask someone that," Felix argues, feeling his face heat up as he let go of Minho's hands, rubbing his face from embarrassment, trying to make the red go away.

"What if that someone was my boyfriend?" Minho asked.

"What's wrong with you?" Felix asked with a sigh.

"I don't have a cute blonde boyfriend named Felix yet," Minho explained, moving Felix's hands away from his face and giving him a quick peck on the lips, "hopefully I will soon though."

"Minho," Felix enlaced their hands again and started walking towards a nearby park since he didn't want to go home yet. Besides, that is what they always did anyway. "Stop saying stuff like that."

"You don't wanna hear the truth?"

"It's not the truth."

"Remember what happened last time you said something like that?"

"I don't know, maybe you should remind me," Felix replied, finally showing the confidence Minho hoped he would get to see.

"I think you remember."

"So?" Felix asked as he stopped walking and turned to look at Minho, still loosely holding his hand. He had finally made eye contact without Minho having to force it.

"You're right," Minho said with a small smile as he gently pressed his lips against Felix's.

"I don't know, I think good things end up happening whenever I disagree with you," Felix said with a small smile.

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