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Minho wanted to go back to being his usual flirty self but he could tell as soon as he approached Felix that it wasn't the right mood for that. He knew he screwed up and he hated himself for it.

He couldn't help it though, he panicked and made himself do irrational things because of it. He knew anything that could happen between them would make the time worth it but the thought of loosing Felix still made him anxious.

"Hi," Minho said to Felix.

"Yeah, I'll tutor you after school. See you then."

"No, tutor him now," Seungmin encouraged. "There's no way you're gonna be able to pass your math test today since you didn't study so just skip and take it tomorrow."

"He doesn't have a reason to skip," Felix pointing out.

"I'm tired."

"You're always tired."

"I'll drop your work off after school," Chan added, catching onto Seungmin's plan.

"Fine, I guess I'll see you guys later," Felix said as the bell rang and he walked out the building with Minho.

"How are you?" Minho decided to ask in English, hoping it would ease the awkwardness and maybe cheer Felix up a bit since he still seemed pretty mad.


"Why?" Minho questioned, earning a scoff from Felix.

"Because of you."



"Do you need help studying for your math test?"

"Are you passing your math class?" Felix asked, not that he would want Minho's help right now anyways due to how upset and embarrassed he felt. He would rather fail and not be able to take dance anymore than have Minho help him.

"I'm passing all of my classes except for English and i took the math class your in last year. I got an A in it."

"Did you sleep all of last year too?"

"Yeah but some subject are easier to pick up on than others. I'm barely passing Physics. Math has always been a little easier."

"If you actually tried, you know you could probably get into a good college," Felix explained but he had a feeling that Minho hadn't been considering that anyways.

"I don't see myself going to college, it seems like a waste."

They walked upstairs to Felix's room and sat on his bed next to each other.

"What makes you think that? College helps ensure that you can have a stable job."

"I don't really see myself living long enough for that to matter," Minho explained. He didn't realize how bad it sounded it till he heard it aloud.

"What do you mean?"

"I just...don't see myself as an old person."

Felix let out the smallest laugh, luckily for Minho, he took it more so as a joke.

"You aren't even that old by the time you finish college but it's up to you what you're going to do when you graduate."

"What are you going to do?"

"Go to college. I don't know what i'm going for yet though."

"Do you think you'll tutor other people?" Minho asked.

"It's not like you would be jealous of I did."

"As long as I'm always your favorite."

"You made it pretty difficult to keep that position," Felix said, Minho knew exactly what he was being so passive aggressive about but he was scared to bring it up, he didn't know how to. There really isn't any normal way to bring up a kiss like that.

"I'm sorry," Minho blurted out.

"For what? It's not your fault that you don't like me like that. Just would have been nice if you maybe didn't lead me on for as long as you did."

"It's not that, I'm just stupid and I got anxious. You're my only friend that i've had in a really long time and we didn't even become friends by choice, it was because of forced circumstances and I know you're eventually going to stop talking to me and I'm just not looking forward to that," Minho explained, quickly feeling his cheeks heat up afterwords. He had never really been one to express himself and now that he had, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"I'll only leave if you push me away."

"I don't believe you."

"Why not?" Felix asked with a small pout. He was still upset but he understood where Minho was coming from. He was a clingy person too and he knew he was anxious even when Chan started dating Jeongin since he didn't want their friendship to disappear.

"You're Felix."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're perfect. You're cute, pretty, social, smart, anything and everything anyone would want." Minho explained, admiring the color of Felix's cheeks.

"Well you're Minho."

"And half of the school talks shit about me behind my back."

"Only because you seem unapproachable. Anyone would date you if they got the chance," Felix explained, resorting back to his normal ways of avoiding eye contact.

"I don't believe you either."

"Obviously you don't know this but I'm a very clingy person. Once you're friends with me, you're stuck with me for life so I'm not going anywhere."

"What if we were more than friends?" Minho finally asked, bringing up the topic he was scared of talking about.

"Well umm...considering the fact that I've never dated anyone before, I don't know."

"Is it worth the risk to find out?" Minho asked, finally laying back onto Felix's bed. They had the whole day anyways and it didn't really seem like they were going to start studying any time soon.

"I already took it," Felix reminded even though it was embarrassing to say out loud.

"Well then I guess it's my turn," Minho said and pulled Felix to lay on top of him.

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