Chapter 3

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December 12, 2006

Maggie’s POV

“Margaret Nichole, I said we’re leaving now!” I frowned and slumped off my bed, grabbing my shoes.

“Fine! I’m coming!” I yelled back, putting my shoes on. It’s been almost six months since the last time I’ve seen, or spoken to Charlie. He left camp earlier than everybody else, and he broke his promise. But I guess it isn’t that big of a deal anymore, he wasn’t all that special. But the day he left, he was just so angry. I’d never seen him so mad before, even if I’d only known him for a couple weeks. He just looked as if he wanted to hurt anything and everything in his path, and that’s almost exactly what he did.


June 30, 2006

It was 3 pm, and I was supposed to meet Charlie in the rec center, but I couldn’t find him. I sat on the ground and started chipping at the new paint on my nails that Macie did last night.

“Maggie!” I hear Charlie yell at me, he was behind me.

“Yeah, Charlie?”

“What are you doing? Throwing yourself out there like that?”


“You heard me! Everyone is talking about it! You and that Bryce kid!” He yelled, his face getting red.

“Charlie, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t even know a Bryce!” He rolled his eyes.

“Don’t you dare lie to me.” He snarled. I didn’t understand, I wasn’t lying and I had no clue what he was on about.

“Charlie, calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down, Maggie!” He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me, making me fall on the ground. I was shocked beyond belief, he’d never yelled at me, or touched me like that. I didn’t know what to do. I glared up at him, but he was turned around, his hands running through his hair.

“I’m sorry Mags. So, so sorry.” He turned around and crouched down to my level, cradling me in his arms. I just froze, not exactly wanting him around anymore. He reaches up to brush my hair out of my eyes, but I flinch away.

“Maggie.” He whispers, his face softening. “So beautiful.” He pulls away and I look down. “Bye Mags.” He takes my hand and brushes it against his lips, finally leaving. I hear something being kicked in the distance, and I know its Charlie. I pick myself up and brush myself off. Stupid Charlie.

Flashback Over

I didn’t realize then, that it’d be the last time I saw Charlie, and he’d hurt me. No, the shove didn’t hurt that bad, but emotionally he hurt me. I cried myself to sleep that night, I was falling for Charlie. But I was just being a stupid teenager, which I still am.

“Maggie, we’re here.” I sigh and hop out of the car, adjusting my sweater. “Okay Maggie, you are shopping for a couple of your cousins..” She hands me a list of some of the stuff they want and her credit card. “No spending on yourself, you hear me?” I nod and take the credit card and list, slipping it in my back pocket. Since our town is so small, our mall is small, so my mom never really worries about me. I glanced at the list, some of the people were just distant relatives that you only see on the holidays, and that’s just because of the food.

My first stop was Hollister. I don’t really understand why my mom is buying our cousins this stuff if she doesn’t even buy it for me. I walked in and headed towards the guys section, looking for some decent shirts. I looked at a couple cute ones, but I knew her cousins were grateful and could care less.

“Havin’ troubles?” Ugh, employees are so nosy.

“Nah I’m just looking, but thank you.”

“You think I’m an employee?” I knew that voice, and I knew it well. But it couldn’t be? What the hell was he doing here? I turned sharply, losing my eyes and opening them. I knew it as soon as I looked into those beautiful blue eyes. Charlie Nicholas.

“Charlie?” I barely breathed. I looked him over, he didn’t look much different, taller maybe, but he was still the same Charlie I fell in lo- well that I liked at camp.

“Maggie Wilson.” A huge grin appeared on his face and he grabbed my waist, engulfing me in a giant hug. I wanted to hug him back, he was just so huggable and warm, but I couldn’t. I would still hold my grudge against him. He broke a promise and he hurt me, physically and emotionally. Well I guess, not so much physically, considering all I had was a scraped elbow. But just the thought of him wanting to hurt me like he did was enough for me. I pushed Charlie off me and sighed.

“What are you doing, Charlie?” I asked, I knew I couldn’t look at him without getting lost in his eyes.

I could feel his stare, and quite frankly, it was making me uncomfortable. But I couldn’t help bit look up.

His blue eyes bore into mine as he began to speak. “Well my oldest brother needed some stuff, and right now the mall is the closest store to us, so I came here. I got bored of searching for the same old stuff, so I just decided to check out a couple stores. That also happened to get pretty boring until I spotted a girl with strawberry blonde hair, and I have to say, looked pretty good from behind.” He chuckled and then smirked at me. How dare he make a reference to my butt! But then again I found myself blushing at the rude remark.  I glared at him and folded my arms across my chest, turning on my heels and walking away.

“Wait, Mags; where are you going?” Charlie reached for my elbow but I snatched it away.

“No, Charlie, I don’t want to be around you I don’t like you.” The words surprised me as much as it surprised him. I really didn’t mean it, but I wish I did.

“Maggie, please. If I could take back that day I would, trust me. But since I can’t, I want to make it up now that I found you again. Mags, I thought I’d never get to see your perfect face again, and now that I have the opportunity, I’m taking it.” He finished, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him. His lips felt just as amazing as they had six months ago, maybe even better.

“Charlie why were you so upset?” I managed to whisper, despite the mixed feelings flying around in my head, consuming 90 percent of my brain with gibberish.

“I’ll tell you sometime else, Maggie. When you’re ready.” He pulled me close again, resting his chin on my head. I sighed, totally realizing we were having a romantic session in the middle of Hollister.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and led me out of Hollister, then out of the mall itself. “I wanna talk with you Maggie. Like, how are you, what’s been going on…”

“Um, well I’m pretty good I guess. High school isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. I made the volleyball team, but we suck so who cares. I got my hair trimmed and a bunch of bruises. Yep, that about sums up my life since I last saw you.” I smiled at him, telling him the full truth. I really had done close to nothing since summer, and I wasn’t ashamed the least bit. His grin widened and he toyed with my fingertips.

“Sounds like you had a whole bunch of fun.” He let go of my hand and reached into his pocket, pulling out a pen.

“Meet me at 711 Norman Street, at 8 tonight.” He spoke as he wrote the same thing on my hand.

“But-“ He didn’t let me finish as he moved his lips against mine.

“See you then, beautiful.” My heart fluttered with his words as he got up and walked away, leaving me looking like a fool.

“See ya.” I whispered, even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. I finally picked myself up and walked back inside, I still had a whole list of cousins to shop for.


Hi guys, welp this is chapter 3. And i really don't have anything else to say.


alright bye.

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