Naomi: Melanie Takes The Spotlight

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We ran all over LA in 3 days. We probably had about 4 days until Zeus decided to go murder-mode. And that's bad. We were walking through a forest when Noah heard some rustling from behind us. We spun to see about three cyclops staring at us.

"Well. This is a nice treat. Isn't it Jakey?" The biggest one said.

"Oh yeah Peter. They're kids too!" A cyclops with a tangled mop of ginger hair replied. The one in the middle, the smallest cackled and the three of them charged. We instantly got to work. Melanie shot at them while she could. Then she broke out the fists. The rest of us slashed and stabbed. We spent ages trying to kill them, but they were hard to kill. Then, when a cyclops came close to killing Bianca, Mel let out an insanely scary scream. Everything except us turned to ashes and got blown away. Then Mel's eyes rolled up into her head and she slumped against Noah's shoulder. He eased her against a tree and covered her with his jacket.

"I never thought she would become this powerful. She got rid of everything around us easily. She's amazing.. but she's scary too. I wouldn't want to be on her darkside." Noah breathed. Bianca nodded, and I thought about replying with some snarky comment, but decided against it. Melanie had my respect at the moment. We kept watch until Mel woke up. She sat up, regarded her surroundings and groaned. I frowned. The other's are ugly, yeah, but not me!

"Did I do this?" She asked.

"Yep. Your sick. In both ways." I told her. Bianca face palmed, and Noah shook his head, exasperated. I scoffed. Melanie smiled and stood up.

"We need a safe space. Does anyone know a safe space?" She asked. Bee nodded and whispered something in Noah's ear. He grabbed Melanie and Bianca's hands, and then Bee put her hand on my shoulder. Then we were pulled into the shadows. My stomach did an entire floor routine including backflips, roundoffs, cartwheels, aerials, and back handspring in like 0.02 seconds. It was AWESOME. A nice serene looking house appeared in front of us. We were in New Rome. Bianca marched up to the door and rang the doorbell. A seeming 12 year old girl and boy opened the door. The girl had long curly dark hair and grey eyes, like the boy next to her. I guessed they were siblings, judging from the bickering.

"Hi Charlie, Ethan. What's up?" The girl stared at Bianca, while the boy yelled for their parents. Then a tall dark haired man with sea green eyes and a beautiful blonde woman with grey eyes rushed to the door. PERCY AND ANNABETH JACKSON. THAT MEANS THAT THE KIDS WERE CHARLOTTE AND ETHAN JACKSON. Then teenage boy with curly blonde hair and sea green eyes came to the door. LUKE JACKSON. I squealed internally, and externally. Everyone stared at me incredulously.

"Um, well... come inside. Some people are waiting for you." Percy said, ushering us in. Inside the family room, two figures were sitting on the blue couch. Nico and Will Solace-Di Angelo. I AM LOOKING AT THE LITERAL GHOST KING. I squealed again and jumped up and down happily. Nico stared at me, and then turned to an uncomfortable Bianca.

"Dove eravate?! E cosa stavi facendo? Sono tre giorni che ti cerchiamo Bianca!" Nico exclaimed. (Translation: Where were you?! And what were you doing? We've been looking for you for three days, Bianca!)

"Papà... Come stai? Prima che tu mi uccida, Melanie è in missione ed è la mia migliore amica! Dovevo venire! Per favore, per favore, per favore, lasciami andare con loro!" Bianca replied. (Translation: Dad..... How you doing? Before you kill me, Melanie is on a quest, and she's my best friend! I had to come! Please, please, please let me go with them!)

"Non ti uccideremo, Bee, vogliamo solo sapere perché non ce lo hai detto prima di partire." Will chimed in. (Translation: We're not going to kill you Bee, we just want to know why you wouldn't tell us before you went away.)

Bianca shrugged. Nico sighed, and then nodded.

"So. You guys done with all the Italian chit-chat stuff?" Percy asked. Will smiled and nodded. Then he turned to Bianca.

"You can go with them. I mean, you're 14, you have your own life, and you're our daughter. You were never going to be safe. And I'm not saying I'm okay with this! But, Melanie need you. You will be grounded when you come back though." Bianca nodded, relieved, and thanked her parents. We had some blue cookies and lasagna for dinner and spent the night with the Jacksons.

Dang. That was fun to write. Idk why tho.

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