Ch. 7

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"UGH what the HELL! should I go after him? Aghh! Hes hurt! I should! But- Training with sun wukong.. Telling him about Red-he'll be furious if i don't come.. Craaaaaap!"

Mk paced around his room.
"Agh whatever! Redson!"
He hurriedly put his shoes back on, not even bothering to put on his jacket.

He sprinted down his stairs, bringing out his heightened senses to smell where Redson was headed.
He didn't bother to ask himself why he had remembered his smell.

"He CAN'T be that far right? Okay-He went Straight, Left, And- uuhhh—ehhh!"
Mk restlessly brought his staff out from his ear and climbed ontop of it, seeing above the city.
"Redson-Redsonn! Where could you be!"
Just as he was about to give up, he noticed a large-perturbing red flame.
He yelled after him, landing down behind him, stopping right behind him.
"Red- Your ankle- OhhhmygodimgonnabeINSOMUCHTROUBLE!!"
Mk screamed silently to himself. After noting Redsons silence- He became worried, going to place a hand on his shoulder to notify Red that he's there. His hand burned up, Quickly. Mk winced, detaching his hand.

"Its gone."
Red stated blankly.
"Are you fucking kidding? I took ONE day off. ONE of RELENTLESS DAYS OF WORK. She wasnt kidding this time- Hah- Crazy witch. Burning my place down? HAHA. HA. HA. This is your way of kicking me out? Leaving me with no home?!"

"Red I-"
Red's flames burst, getting angrier by the second. The ground beneath him burned, his hair coiling up into spirals of heated dark, red flames.
Unlike his normal bright red ones, these burned harsher. Mk knew less about these than Redsons true Samadhi fire.
Mk looked down to his fists. Is that- Blood? Shit- I thought his hair only flared when he was embarrassed or flustered- Mk didnt know what to do. Hes mad. Real Mad. Mad enough to hurt himself.
Should he Leave?- No. Mk mustered up his courage, placing both his palms on Redsons back. It burned.
It burned like hell.
This is for red- Endure it.
Tang did this trick to Mk when he was little. Whenever he got mad he'd pretend to be a heavenly presence guiding him through his unseen pain.
Hopefully this works..

Mk beckoned.
Only worsening Redsons situation, his fire radiating an unmatched heat, making Mk want to back away.
So he tried again. Calmer this time.

"Redson, focus on me. Please, breathe."
Mk took in a breath with him, guiding him.
Redson exhaled.
"Thats it... easy. Nothing to worry about."
Mk carefully cooed. He could sense Red's warmth through his fingertips. He was calming down- notably less hotter than before- aka when his hands practically ached 30 degree burns just from a light touch of him.

Redson muttered, his hair going down from its previous angered and flared state.
Mk delicately took his palms from his back.

"Listen- I- I know Im just an outsider. But.. You didnt deserve this. No family should harm their children like this... even as punishment."

Red stayed silent. Staring at what used to be his home. Home- A place alone. Not that dumb lair where his mother lured and his father sat.
His only home.

"Are you going to go back to them? Your family- I mean. I guessed that place was special to you since you kept glancing at it last night."

. . .


"No." He blurted, crumbling a pile of ash in his hand.

"Errr-No what?"

"Im not going back there."

"To your house?" Mk crossed his arms, was this going where he thinks he was going?

"I stopped calling that place home Awhile ago. And this incident helped set it in stone.
If Mothe-
Princess iron fan..Thinks putting down her own son for not building her- HER DAMN! Narcissistic ass robot!!—Then.. I have no choice."

Mk's face grew puzzled.
Both by Redsons crack in vulgarity.
Mk guessed he had a potty mouth but just used complicated words to avoid them.
Guess Hes finally found a bit of himself.

"Ill leave- leave this fucking pitiful excuse of a family. They've disciplined me enough for EVERYTHING. From my mannerism to even just uttering a sentence THEY deemed foul!! Im done- Done with..everythinginvolved with that hellspawn."
Redson huffed. It was all true. His mother always disciplined him in ways that he'd started to shake merely from the memories.
Father didnt care, He was never present. But his mother.
She resented his foul language,
His ignorant attitude,
His good for nothing powers.
"I wish you'd just drop dead!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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