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A few hours later, Mk heard his phone alarm go off, shutting it off with a lazy tap.
"Another day.. Full of paaaiiinn!" He dramatically stated, stretching.

Ah- Right-! Redson!

Mk quietly tip-toed to his room, creaking the door open.
He let out a big sigh, seeing Redson still there. He was worried he'd left without talking about the training. He was about to leave before seeing Redson turn around, facing Mk.

Mk's lips parted, taking in what he was seeing.

Redsons lips were also parted, lightly snoring. His messy outfit and hair being all over Mk's bed. His hair.. Looked so beautiful. He never really took a good look at him- not that he thought he ever would. His hair glowed the brighest in his room. The window to his rooom didnt gather many light since the rails blocked it. He'd always curse it and call the place gloomy.
But now it didnt seem so much of s curse.

Redson seemed to shine the brightest.. in my room..?
His blush reddened, just realizing what kind of circumstances they were both in. Red, leaving his scent- his EVERYTHING on Mk's bed.
Gosh- His hair- its a mess. A mess in MY bed. His clothes too, they're almost undone.. I wonder.. He must be jacked.. and-
His hair must also be long..
Maybe if i just undo his ponytail?—


A loud and familiar voice churned, snapping Mk out of his trance.
No No! What am I thinking.. Gah! Get dressed for work Mk!

He hurried around his apartment, quickly leaving a messy note for Redson to read before heading out to work.

The wind breezed from Mk's opened window.
It was cold-
too cold.
Redson snapped his eyes open.
He groaned, His head hurt like absolute firecrackers. It felt like his head was about to burst. He rubbed his temple, looking around.
He muttered. Half-concious. It was clear the morning fogginess was present. His forehead ached, Thanks to Mk's amazing carrying skills.
He glanced around, nobody?
It seemed Noodly boy went to work.
Redson steadily got up, holding his head.

"Curse you, Mk." Red said in a moan, removing the Band-Aid from his forehead.
"Lowly human necessities.. where do mortals place them."
He looked around once more. There were no cabinets incidicating medicines. Not sure if they'd even work on him, but it was worth a try.  He'd seen so many billboards around the city advertising medicines that seemed advanced even for his taste, so why not have a go.

Redson spotted a note on the table.

//Hi Redson! I had 2 go 2 work ;( Medicinez in the bathroom if the pain's too much. Feel free to grab anything <3 -Mk~ 7:00AM\\

His eyes snapped to the bathroom.
Kind of a weird placement.
He groaned as he walked over, flickering on the lights. His eyes shut for a second, taking in the light like dust. He glanced to the mirror, an ironic medicine cabinet. He reached over, tilting his head to find something worth inhaling.
"Ibuprofen.." He muttered, reading the label as pain reliever. He grabbed a single pill then shut the cabinet.
He tried to chug it down on one go, quickly realizing how bitter and cruel human medicine is, spitting it out and grabbing another pill.
"Pesty humans.." He said as he turned his head; medicine in hand.
Redson headed towards the kitchen for a cup of glass, that was until the door creaked. He quickly hid behind the door.
Intruder? He got his flames ready.

"Reddddd~ where are ya bud!"

Noodle boy...
He sighed a sigh of relief.—What?- Relief?
Redson felt an unusual warmth in his presence. Was he really relieved to see the monkie kid he'd be aching to punch just a few months ago?

I must be really sick..
Red thought to himself, trying to cool down his face.
Mk glanced over behind the door, where Redson creepily stood.

"Uh- heeeey..? nice to see ya, whatre you doing there?"

Redson took another step back, glaring at him.

"I thought you were an intruder."

Mk stretched.

"Awee, you care about me. And Eeeh-- Only demons enter here, they only take the window so dont worry."

"Thats..Not safe." Redson sighed.
He'd have to secure his window if he ever gets the chance to.

Red limped back around Mk's apartment, Grabbing a glass and sipping down the pill.

"Ah- so you read my note."
Mk smiled.
Redson simply rolled his eyes.
"Who was that?"

Mk turned around from placing his things down and tossing his shoes.
"Hm? who?"

"The yelling."

"Oh- Sorry. That was pigsy, gotta work and work—ha ha..."
Mk sweated, hopefully he didnt sense Mk spying on him.
Red raised an eyebrow.

Mk yawned as he layed down on his bed.
Mk leaned on his pillow, elbow and all. Like some cheesy flirty pose. Redson followed, leaning against Mk's desk."

"You monkeys all share the same trait."
Redson smiled to himself.

"Awwe-whats the dealieyo?
I sense some sarcasm~ Im great! I have training with Monkie King in a few more mins so you can just watch TV or play some of the games I have while your injury is healing. Its Already past two soooo, no need to over-exhaust yourself."


"Hm?" Mk perked.
Redson froze.
What time was it?
"Mk, what time did you say it was..?
"You called me by my name! Ah- Anyways its around two in the afternoon, why? Something wrong?" Mk asked worriedly.
He forgot, He forgot everything. Mother—
Redson didnt take another second longer. almost lunging himself out Mk's window like a madman running off an adrenaline rush.
"REDSON!" Mk looked down in pure horror. Out of all times to do this! Why now! Crap crap!

Redson grimaced in pain from his injury.
"Red?! Mk looked down. That mustve hurt— The dude was limping around my apartment!
"Where you going!? Youre hurt goddammit! Come back up!"

Fuck! Redson ignored everything. It doesn't matter it doesn't. he kept repeating to himself. The pain doesn't matter.
He heard a crack in his knee.
Doesn't Matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
He ran and ran, getting to his house.
He stood still.


One Spicy Encounter (Mk x Redson)Where stories live. Discover now