Chapter 2 "Escape"

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To give more time, Yinsen had dashed in another direction, drawing the enemy away from Tony. Aurora, despite the danger, picked up a discarded gun and positioned herself by Tony's side.

Words failed Tony, his jaw set in a hard line, anger radiating from him as he waited for the suit to be ready.

Minutes felt like hours, but at last, the suit was operational. Just then, the echo of approaching footsteps broke the tense silence.

Tony's eyes narrowed, and he muttered firmly, "Stay behind me, kid," as he stepped forward.

His newly operational suit finally started moving, and he unleashed a barrage of firepower. The corridors filled with chaos as the fire spread and everyone scrambled away in fear, overwhelmed by Tony's machine. Aurora trailed behind him, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement as she watched her hero in action.

Their escape was within reach, but the sight that greeted them outside stopped them cold. Yinsen lay wounded, his clothes soaked with blood. Tony's voice broke as he screamed, "Yinsen!" Panic-stricken, Aurora rushed to his side, ripping a piece of her clothing to press against his wounds in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

As Tony continued to fight the attackers, Yinsen looked up at Aurora with a resigned smile and whispered, "You guys need to leave now."

Tony roared back, desperation coloring his voice, "We are not leaving you here! I told you to stick with the plan, didn't I!?"

Aurora, too shocked to speak, could only focus on her trembling hands as she tried to slow the bleeding. Yinsen reached out, placing his hand gently over hers. "My family is dead, let me be with them. You should take Tony and run from here, kid."

Tears streaming down her face, Aurora stood shakily, her voice quivering as she managed to say, "Thank you for everything, Yinsen... I will always remember you."

With a heavy heart, she followed Tony, glancing back one last time at the brave man who had sacrificed everything for them.

As Tony and Aurora burst out into the blinding sunlight, they were met with a chaotic scene. The compound was surrounded by armed guards, their weapons trained on them. Tony's suit hummed with power as he prepared for the inevitable confrontation.

Aurora's heart raced as she gripped the gun tightly in her hand. She had never been in a situation like this before, but she knew she had to stay strong for Tony and herself. With determination in her eyes, she stood beside Tony, ready to face whatever came their way.

Tony glanced at Aurora, seeing the fear mingled with determination in her eyes. He gave her a reassuring nod before turning his attention back to the guards. "Alright, kid, here's the plan," he said, his voice firm. "We take them out one by one, and we make a run for it. Stick close to me and follow my lead."

Aurora nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew this was their only chance to escape, and she was ready to fight alongside Tony.

With a sudden burst of energy. Tony leaped into action, his suit moving with lightning-fast speed. He fired repulsor blasts at the guards, taking them out one by one as Aurora provided cover fire from behind.

The guards fought back fiercely, their bullets ricocheting off Tony's suit as he dodged and weaved through their attacks. Aurora focused all her energy on keeping the guards at bay, her aim steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

As they fought their way through the compound, Tony and Aurora soon found themselves outnumbered. The guards seemed to be closing in from all sides, their weapons trained on them with deadly accuracy.

"Kid hop on my back, we gotta get out of here" tony says

And with that, they both flies away from that place but little did they know the machine was too damaged to fly any further than just a mere mile.

Suddenly, the suit's systems failed completely, and they began fall toward the ground. As they fell, fortunately, the sand cushioned their fall, saving them from any grave injuries. The sudden Fall on the sand, however, was too much for Aurora, and she lost consciousness.

Aurora regained consciousness to find herself on what appeared to be a bed inside an airplane. Glancing around to gauge her surroundings, she noticed Tony Stark sitting close by, engaged in conversation with a man who looked familiar. A thought flickered through her mind, "*Is that Rhodey?*"

Just then, Tony noticed Aurora stirring and let out a relieved sigh. "Glad you're okay, kid. I thought you will sleep forever" he said, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Oh, Mr. Stark... yes, I feel better than before, haha-" Aurora replied with a slight chuckle.

Rhodey joined in with a teasing tone, "Don't tell me you kidnapped this kid."

"Ya, ya, very funny," Tony responded, his voice tinged with annoyance, though a small smile betrayed his amusement.

As the private jet touched down at its final destination, Tony Stark made his descent, supported by his loyal friend Rhodey. Despite the weariness that clung to his features, Tony's eyes twinkled with characteristic mischief.

"Your eyes are red, a few tears for your long lost boss?" Tony teased, eyeing the woman waiting on the tarmac.

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting," the woman retorted with a smirk, her tone dry.

Meanwhile, Aurora stopped behind. It was her first time flying in such luxury, and the experience made her feel a little uncomfortably. She hesitated at the jet's doorway, gripping the frame for a moment too long. As she attempted to step down, her legs betrayed her, and she stumbled making herself feel embarrassed.

Instantly, the woman Tony had been joking with rushed forward her, reaching Aurora just in time to catch her before she fell completely.

"Oh my god. It's Pepper!" Aurora realized as she steadied herself with the help of Pepper Potts, whose presence was both surprising and oddly comforting.

"That's not how to get down from a jet kid" tony said while smirking

"Just for once will you not make me feel more embarrassed mr.stark" said Aurora is an annoyed tone.

"Oh so this is the kid you found while you were captive?" Pepper asked and gave aurora a sweet smile.

"You must be miss pepper, Mr. Stark told me a lot about you!" Aurora said
"I don't remember telling you though" tony said with a confused face
"Uhhh well you did actually, you must have forgotten-" aurora tried to cover up her mistake of accidentally making it obvious that she knows who pepper is.

After a little introduction, they all sit in the car and that's where aurora meets happy with whom she cracked jokes alot while tony and pepper sitting in the back seat argued.
"You and the kid both needs treatment first! You can't just go like that to the press"

Tony ignores pepper and asked aurora "kid do you like cheeseburger? Let's grab some food and go"


Sorry for the small chapter guys! I will complete this part in the next chapter!

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