chapter 4 "the iron battle"

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Aurora and Happy raced through the streets of Los Angeles.

"Can't you go any faster!?" Aurora shouts

"Kid that's the full speed!! What do you want this car to become? Flying Supercar?!" Happy replies

As they arrived, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed from the rooftop. Aurora could see tony fight that giant robot,  Obadiah was up there with Tony, and she knew that this fight may be more dangerous than she thought.

“Stay close,” Happy said, but Aurora was already moving, her eyes fixed on the building. She saw Agent Coulson trying to hold the line, his agents securing the area making sure no civilian gets injured.

“Miss, you can’t go in there! It’s too dangerous!” Coulson shouted as Aurora runs towards the entrance. But she didn’t stop. She needed to make sure that pepper is okay.

Inside the building,  Aurora moved quickly through the halls, her mind racing. She had to find Pepper. She couldn’t shake the feeling that time was running out. As she rounded a corner, she saw pepper standing with wide eyes, just beside the reactor.

“Aurora! What are you doing here!?” Pepper’s voice was a mix of relief and fear. She pulled Aurora into a tight hug, her fingers trembling.

“I had to make sure you were safe,” Aurora said, her voice muffled against Pepper’s shoulder.

“Happy and I…”

Pepper pulled back, her face stern. “You shouldn’t have come. It’s too dangerous. You have to get out of here!”

Before they could move, the building shook with the force of an explosion from above. Aurora felt the heat of the blast even from inside. The fight between Tony and Obadiah had reached its peak.

On the rooftop, Tony Stark was barely holding his own against the Iron Monger. His suit, was not in good shape either. Sparks flew, circuits fried, and the once sleek armor was now torn.

“How ironic, Tony,” Obadiah’s voice was loud enough to be heard on the ground floor.
“You wanted to destroy all the weapons, but you gave me the best one. And now, I’m going to kill you with it.”

Tony’s eyes, were filled with pain and anger. He glanced at Pepper below, and their eyes met. “Pepper, now!” he shouted, his voice strained.

Pepper pressed the button, and the reactor's power exploded the rooftop. The blast tore through the Iron Monger, ripping it apart. Obadiah screamed, he fell through the building, his suit disintegrating.

Aurora felt the shockwave from inside. She grabbed Pepper’s hand, pulling her to safety as the building started to scatter down.

When the dust settled, Aurora and Pepper rushed to the edge where Tony had fallen. His suit was a mess, pieces of it scattered around. He lay on a rough surface, barely conscious, deep wounds on his forehead.

“Tony!” Pepper cried, dropping to her knees beside him. Aurora was right there, her hands shaking as she tried to stop his bleeding.

“Hang in there, Mr.stark” Aurora whispered, tearing strips from her shirt to stop the bleeding. “You’re going to be okay.”

Tony’s eyes fluttered open, a weak smile on his lips. “I told you to stay home didn't I?..”

Before she could respond, a movement caught her eye. Obadiah, barely alive, was dragging himself across the floor, one hand reaching for the last missile launcher in his suit. Pointing it towards Pepper.

Aurora, not able to think straight,
"This was never supposed to happen, how is he still alive.." She thought to herself

“If I die… I’ll take everything from you,” Obadiah wheezed, his voice a death rattle.

Pepper screamed, covering Tony with her body. “Aurora, run! Get out of here!”

Aurora’s mind raced. She remembered the small blaster she had picked up from Tony’s workshop, a small blaster of the suit which tony threw away. Her hand slipped into her pocket, gripping the metal.

As Obadiah’s finger pressed over the launch button, Aurora stood, the blaster aimed at him. “No, you won’t,” she said, her voice cold as ice. She fired, the beam hitting Obadiah’s arm and knocking the launcher away. The impact caused a secondary explosion, making Obadiah in flames. His scream echoed once before being cut off forever.

The room fell silent, the only sound of the crackling of flames and the heavy breathing of Tony Stark. Aurora dropped the blaster, her hands still shaking. She turned back to Tony and Pepper, who were staring at her in shock.

“I… I found it in the workshop,” she explained, her voice barely a whisper.

"Good job but you are grounded" tony slightly smirks.

Pepper’s face softened, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Thank you, Aurora. You saved us.”

Tony coughed, a weak chuckle escaping his lips. “always knew you were good for something, kid.”

Aurora smiled, a mixture of relief and exhaustion washing over her. Together, they managed to lift Tony, supporting him as they made their way out of the building. The dawn was breaking, the first light of day casting a golden glow over the devastation.

As they came out of the building, they saw Colson and his team coming to help. Emergency services swarmed the area, and Happy rushed over, his face pale with worry.

" Thank God," he muttered,

"Well we are all alive so can we go to some restaurant and eat?---"

Aurora looks at tony's injuries "or maybe later.."

They moved towards the waiting ambulances. Pepper started to discuss something with Colson before getting in the ambulance.

Aurora sit in the ambulance beside tony and closed her eyes, this was her first time experiencing something like this. Building collapsing, giant machine, dangerous battle, and so much has happened which made her think will she be able to survive the future events?

Obadiah was supposed to die because of the reactor but he survived and tried to kill pepper, at last aurora had realised that her presence in this universe is surely changing everything.
The only thing she thought to herself now was to make herself stronger, Stronger enough to save others and herself.

Tony looked at Aurora who was deep in thought,
"Looks like I owe you both one" Tony said, his voice filled with gratitude.

“You can start by staying alive,” Pepper replied, coming inside the ambulance.

Aurora took a deep breath, this was her dream to be a part of the marvel universe but now that not only hers but her favourite character's life can also be at risk because of her, will she really be able to enjoy this new life?
The battle was over, but the journey had just begun.

"So how about we eat a cheeseburger after this? Says Tony with a smirk

...................To be continued.....................

Hey everyone! <3
I know this chapter is short but I will try to make it longer, some of you might me getting bored Because of the same storyline but trust me this is just the beginning, next chapter will be less on the storyline line and more on Aurora's adventures and her new life!

Make sure to vote and leave a comment! <3

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