27 3 0

Edinburgh, Scotland.

"Yes, ma'am I'm on my way," Salman said to his grandmother.

"No, I'm not nervous"

"Yes ma'am"

"Yes... I'll talk to you later I'm about to go inside"

Salman disconnected the phone call and turned off the car engine. He took a deep breath as he took in the sight and atmosphere of the private mental health clinic. He took a few more minutes to relax before stepping out of his BMW 5 series and making his way to the entrance.

Fayrouz was seated in her office, waiting for her next patient. The office was spacious and well lit with a clean and modest aesthetic. It was decorated with a mix of modern furniture and vintage pieces, giving it a touch of elegance. The floor was bare with a soft grey rug covering the surface. The walls were painted in shades of white and grey giving it a soothing atmosphere.

A knock came from the door prompting Fayrouz to quickly adjust her veil and utter a "come in"

The door handle turned, and Salman stepped into the room, gently closing the door behind him. He was dressed in a blue hoodie and black jeans. one hand in his pocket as he used the other to scratch his head. Standing at 5'9 feet tall with a lean athletic build. His light brown skin glowed under the soft lighting, and his natural hair was styled in a neat, short cut. 

"Good Afternoon. I'm Dr Fayrouz. Have a seat please" Fayrouz ushered him to the couch. Fayrouz was in her mid-twenties, with smooth fair skin and large expressive Brown eyes. She wore a stylish yet professional outfit exuding a confident and calm aura.

"Good afternoon" Salman greeted his amber eyes scanning the room as he plopped down on a chair " Nice place you got here. It has a nice vibe"

Fayrouz smiled as she took a seat across from him " I try to keep it inviting and comfortable. What brings you here today?"

Salman sighed theatrically " My grandmother. She thinks I'm...how do I put it...' emotionally constipated'"

Fayrouz raised an eyebrow in amusement, her smile never fading "And what do you think?"

Salman leaned back, scratching his jaw. "I think she's worried for no reason. But here I am so let's see"

"Fair enough," Fayrouz said jotting down on her tablet. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"My name is Salman Abdulmanan. I am 28 years old. I work as a software engineer extraordinaire. I am single, no kids. I like eating, I love coding, video games, Kdramas" Salman said with a playful grin.

"Sounds like you have a good sense of humor" Fayrouz noted. "What's your typical day like?"

"Wake up, pray, coffee, exercise, Annoy my tortoise poor thing gave me a side eye today, code, pray, more coffee, pray, maybe some gaming, pray, watch some kdrama, sleep. Rinse and repeat," Salman answered using his fingers to count.

"Do you enjoy your work?" Fayrouz asked.

"I love my work. It's challenging and fun. I get to wear whatever I want. There's unlimited snacking." Salman said with a laugh.

Fayrouz nodded "That's great to hear. Any recent changes or stressors in your life?"

Salman shrugged "Not really. I mean work can be stressful but nothing out of the ordinary. Unless you count my grandma consistently nagging me to find a nice girl and settle down"

"What about your social life? Friends and relationships?" Fayrouz inquired.

"Friends are great, we hang out and everything. Relationships not so much." Salman admitted a hint of seriousness in his tone.

"Why do you think that is?" Fayrouz asked gently.

Salman shrugged again, more subdued this time "Maybe I'm too focused on work. But who knows?"

Fayrouz made a note "Do you think your grandmother's concern might stem from that?"

"Probably. She's always worried that I'm going to end up alone, living in a cave surrounded by computers" Salman rolled his eyes. "Though I wouldn't mind a cave if it had good Wi-Fi"

Fayrouz laughed "It sounds like she cares a lot about you"

"She does" Salman smiled "She's just intense about it"

There was a brief pause and Salman glanced around the room, then back at Fayrouz "So, Dr. Fayrouz I hope you don't mind me asking, but where are you from? Your accent's a bit different from what I'm used to"

Fayrouz smiled "I don't mind at all. I'm originally from Kaduna, Nigeria. I moved here for school and decided that stay"

Salman grinned "That's cool. I'm half-Nigerian myself. My dad's from Kano."

Fayrouz's eyes brightened "That's wonderful. It's nice to meet someone with a connection to home"

Salman nodded in agreement "Yeah it's a small world"

"How do you feel about being here, talking to me?" Fayrouz asked smoothly bringing the focus back to Salman.

"Honestly, it's a bit weird as I'm not used to talking about myself. But it's not bad. You seem cool and the place has a nice vibe" Salman answered candidly.

"Thank you. I try to make it comfortable. What do you hope to get from therapy?" Fayrouz asked.

Salman was thoughtful for a moment "I guess if I'm here...I might as well figure out what I'm missing in life"

Fayrouz smiled "That's a good start. We can figure that out together"

Salman suddenly narrowed his gaze, a playful smirk on his lips "I feel like I know you from somewhere" he said tilting his head.

Fayrouz laughed, shaking her head "I get that a lot. But I don't think we've met before. It's just one of those familiar faces I suppose."

Salman laughed too "Yeah, must be it. You know the classic 'you look like someone I know" scenario"

"I'm glad to be here with you helping you on this journey." Fayrouz smiled warmly.

"Me too"  Salman grinned.

Salman's phone buzzed on his way to the car immediately after the therapy session.

It was a text from his grandmother 'Proud of you for finishing your first therapy session'

Salman chuckled typing back quickly 'Are you stalking me?"

Her reply came almost instantly 'I did to make sure you didn't run away. Now go and find a nice girl"

Salman shook his head, laughing to himself "One step at a time" he muttered.

What do you think of the chapter?

Hasbunallah Wa ni'imal Wakeel.

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