Failed attempts : Fate

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Wednesday arrived, bringing with it another opportunity for me and Y/N to rehearse our lines together. This time, we found ourselves in a less crowded and noisy area, a concession made for Y/N's dislike of such environments. Alone together, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement coursing through me.

In an attempt to calm my racing heart, I reached out to grab a bottle of water, only to find that Y/N had the same idea. Our hands met, mine resting on top of hers, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as we locked eyes.

I gulped, unable to tear my gaze away from hers. Sensing the tension mounting between us, Y/N pulled her hand away, but I couldn't bring myself to let go. Instead, I reached out, gently but firmly grasping her wrist as I summoned the courage to speak.

"Y/N..." I whispered, my voice barely above a breath. "I need to tell you something..."

Leaning in closer, our faces mere inches apart, I felt the weight of my confession hanging in the air between us. Y/N's gaze flickered down to my lips and then back up to meet my eyes, her expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation as she nodded for me to continue.

But before I could utter another word, our moment was rudely interrupted by Daphne's voice cutting through the silence.

"Hey guys, do you want some pizz—."

Daphne's words hung in the air, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the scene before her. Caught off guard, I released Y/N's wrist, pulling back as if burned by the sudden intrusion.

"I-I'll have some pizza, I'm super hungry right now," Y/N said quickly, her voice strained as she hurriedly made her escape, leaving me alone in the wake of our interrupted moment.

As she disappeared from view, a sense of frustration and regret washed over me. I had missed my chance, the words I had been longing to say left unspoken in the wake of Daphne's untimely interruption. And as I watched Y/N retreat, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the courage to seize the opportunity again.

It seemed that no matter how many times I mustered the courage to speak my heart to Y/N, fate had a cruel way of intervening, shattering our moments of intimacy before they could fully bloom.

Again and again, I found myself reaching out, hoping to finally share my feelings with her, only to be rudely interrupted at the most inopportune moments. Each time, it felt like a dagger to my heart, the sting of rejection and missed opportunities cutting deeper with every passing interruption.

And as the pattern repeated itself, my frustration and sadness grew, weighing heavy on my soul like a crushing weight. Emotionally pent-up and filled with despair, I couldn't help but feel as though the universe was conspiring against me, denying me the chance to express the depths of my love for Y/N.

Every interrupted moment served as a painful reminder of what could have been, leaving me with a lingering sense of longing and regret. It was a cruel twist of fate, taunting me with glimpses of happiness only to snatch them away before I could grasp them in my hands.

And as I sat alone with my thoughts, the ache in my heart echoed the emptiness of the room around me. Everything hurt—the missed opportunities, the unspoken words, the unanswered questions. It was a pain that seemed to seep into every fiber of my being, leaving me feeling broken and defeated.

But amidst the despair, a flicker of hope remained, a glimmer of possibility that whispered of better days ahead. For as long as there was breath in my lungs, I vowed to continue fighting for love, no matter how many obstacles stood in my way.

And so, with a heavy heart and tear-stained eyes, I clung to that hope, praying that someday, somehow, our interrupted moments would finally find their resolution, and I would be granted the chance to speak the words I had longed to say. Until then, I would endure the pain and sorrow, holding onto the belief that love would ultimately prevail.



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