chapter 1: a mother's wrath.

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It's the night of Naruto's birth, and Kushina had just finished giving birth to her son Naruto. Unfortunately, there was one small problem. The ninetails did not get  sealed into Kushina.

Kushina herself was the ninetails.
Or, more specifically, the ninetailed fox goddess Inari no okami. She hid herself from everyone except for those, like the Inuzuka clan that had dogs, were able to identify her as a kitsune, let alone the goddess of kitsune herself.

This means that Naruto was literally a demigod of kitsune and could control the elements like that of ninetails.


And several others. In truth, only tsume inuzuka and her husband Minato Namikaze were aware of and kept her true identity secret from the council.

Outraged that a masked man dared threaten her child, she began to take her goddess form in an attempt to save her baby she tried to set the man on fire.

The fire phased through him.
Minato saved their son, but the man claimed to be madara uchiha was not going to allow such setbacks.

In an attempt to extract the ninetails from Kushina's body, he realized something was wrong, so he asked.

"What!!!. WHERE IS IT!!??.

And Kushina laughed, saying.

"You're not madara uchiha.
The real madara uchiha realized long ago that the ninetails and other tailed beasts didn't exist. Because I AM the ninetails!!!. ATTACKING MY CHILD WAS A BIG MISTAKE YOU BASTARD!!!."

Kushina then broke free of her bindings and immediately took her full form.
Seeing this all happen before his eyes, the masked man realized this wasn't a jinchuriki of the nine-tails. She really was the ninetailed fox goddess.

Hiruzen, seeing this, believed the lie that Kushina contained the nine-tails and seeing it in front of him, thought the seal must have broken and the fox escaped.

Minato didn't want to fight his wife.
But the villages safety had become his top priority now. Calming an enraged goddess wasn't an easy task at all.

If anything, he hated having to use the reaper death seal on his own wife.
When he summoned the shinigami, the shinigami realized who it was and refused to help Minato stop Kushina.
Or as Shinigami knew her, his sister.

There was this unspoken rule among the gods where, regardless of a situation, if a god or goddess has claimed dominion over a mortal or mortals realm, they couldn't interact with or intervene on behalf of those mortals at all.

Put simply, shinigami basically said
"fuck this shit I'm not going near my sister. Leave me out of this fight."
And left without helping Minato.

Having exhausted his chakra using the jutsu Minato passed out on top of gamabunta as Kushina's wrath subsided, she shrunk down into a smaller fox form.

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