chapter 10: the continued exile.

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It had only been 3 months since their exile from the gates, and Kushina, in particular, was growing very anxious.

She couldn't wait 7 more months.
She had to see her husband now.
She couldn't even attend meetings.

Instead, she had to send Ahri.
Of all the kitsune, she didn't want to ask that girl for help or favors of any kind.

The only thing Ahri wanted was Naruto's hand in marriage. Which, mind you, Kushina was fully against allowing.

The reason she didn't want Ahri to be engaged to her son was because Ahri could sometimes get a little..possessive.

Every mate she's had, she treated like a new toy to play with until it had broken.
On top of being possessive, she was also obsessive, persuasive, and seductive.

She was also, at times,very manipulative and, on occasion, quite spoiled. Not letting her have what she wants leads to people suffering and places being burned down to the ground.

But she had nobody better to send.
So she assigned Ahri her stand in on her behalf. Horus spoke on behalf of anubis.

This didn't please the gatekeeper at all.
Horus was fine. He could represent anubis and himself at the same time.

But the one person he wished his mother didn't send was the horny kitsune Ahri.
She was a total headache during his training. Always flirting with him,
trying to seduce him, even make him her new play thi...I mean mate.

The god izanagi had to remind her of the position Naruto held in every meeting.
But his position only made her want him more. This led to Naruto making more rules like no flirting during meetings.
And no manipulative negotiations.

He had seen through her act to lift his mother's exile from the gates, but his word was law and could not be broken.
Even he wasn't allowed to break his own laws and disrupt his own authority.

If he did, he would lose his gatekeeper status, and either a new gatekeeper was appointed or the dimension vanished.

The gates must always have a gatekeeper. That was his universal law.
To break that law meant being disconnected from the 2 pantheon.

Another meeting came to a close.
The discussion, as usual, pertained to the status of each realms stability and the exiled. Anubis was doing well, apparently.  But his mother, not so much. So he pulled Ahri aside and said.

"Tell mother to expect a visit from her gatekeeper within the next 30 days.
We will discuss shortening the exile."

And Ahri said.

"Lady Inari sama will be grateful.
Truly,you're quite the merciful ruler."

And Naruto said.

"I said we'd discuss it.
I never said I'd have it lifted.
My word is law here, Ahri.
Do well to remember your place.
You're just my mother's stand-in.

When I speak, you listen, got it???.
This is my dimension. I uphold every law I make and maintain its order.

Now be a good messenger and leave.
Just because I tolerate you doesn't mean I don't have the power to exile you like my mother. I'll be arriving in 30 days."

Ahri then ran toward the gate at a breakneck pace, not wishing to anger Naruto any further than she may have.

Once back, Ahri delivered the message.
The response Inari gave was..well, let's just say she had a mix of fear panic and joy on her face all at the same time.

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