chapter 9: having 'the talk',siblings, and the chunin exams.

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When Naruto opened the gates for his parents to meet, his mother immediately pounced on his father and dragged him away with nothing more than a hello and not so much as a single thank you.

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The next thing Minato knew, they were in the VIP guest room for gods only

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The next thing Minato knew, they were in the VIP guest room for gods only.
This rooms walls and bed were made to be indestructible to anything they did.
While at the same time being comfortable and soundproof as well.

A soundproof barrier was put around both residences to ensure total privacy.
This barrier was a magical enchantment barrier that could withstand even a sonicboom from an explosion.

It could contain it as well to prevent any damage that could be done to the dimensions integrity, and Naruto really didn't want to have to completely rebuild it. That and paperwork.

In fact, Naruto had several other dimensions of his that he made.
You could say Naruto had plenty of spare time after missions to do as he pleased and built several for future use.

One of which was a dimensional void.
In this space like dimensional void was a medium sized house big enough for 5 or  6 people to live in. Specifically when he'd build a family of his own.

Nothing too big. Just Hinata, Anko, himself, and 2 or 3 children of his own.
It was his home away from home.

A place where training could be done without the worry or concern of damages to the place since it repaired itself should it take too much damage.

The outside was made of stone and the inside was made of wood from bamboo trees and reinforced with forged steel that was heat treated and cooled by hand. When Naruto had spare time, he literally spent it building the house.

Essentially he'd built a mid size fortress.
He also had a bonsai tree garden and a lake for his snakes, hawk, falcon, cat, and dog to relax in. Along with a 2 in 1 outdoor sauna and hotspring bath.

It was an enclosed sauna with all natural sulfur and volcanic rocks.
The volcanic rocks ensured a constant and consistent amount of heat and steam while the natural sulfur helped nurture and soften the skin as well.

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