chapter 8: names hold power.

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Inari had no clue the catastrophic force of nature he had just provoked right now. In fact, he was about to find out.

Naruto's eyes became slit pupils.
His hair turned a mix of black and white. He grew a pair of fox like ears.

He had 9 long tails growing from behind him, and he had exuded a powerful aura

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He had 9 long tails growing from behind him, and he had exuded a powerful aura. His nails became claws. His body grew fur, and his teeth became more fox like.

Blue flames were at the tips of each tail.
The air around him kicked up and scattered everything as lightning sparks from the tips of his claws. In a piece of paper in his hand, he performed several seals for a spell with onmyodo magic.

Seeing this, Anko pulled out something she'd thought wouldn't have to be used.
An Egyptian style flute that was enchanted to calm Naruto's wrath.

Playing the flute, Naruto began to fall asleep and eventually fell over out cold

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Playing the flute, Naruto began to fall asleep and eventually fell over out cold.

Tazuna then said.

"What was that???."

And Anko said.

"That was a melody played from this enchanted flute. If ever he's angered, this flute is meant to calm him down.
And, in some cases, put him to sleep.

Remember the anubis side of him? I told you what happens when he's bored or angered, right???. Well,you just saw it."

And Inari said.

"It looked as if he was about to do something. What was he about to do??!!.
He wouldn't have killed me, would he???."

And Anko said.

"Based on what I saw, he was about to strip you of your birth given name.
For him and his...lineage. names hold power. Your name has the most power.

He won't wake up for quite some time.
The last time was during training when I used this flute to tame him and his power. Otherwise, he'd have destroyed everything in his path as a result."

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