Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

I ran through the forest with many guards chasing me, I duck under branches and leap over logs and I had nearly made it to the end of the forest when one of the guards grabbed my hand
"Let go of me!" I shouted at the large man
He sighs loudly, "listen Y/n I am just following your father's orders. You need to come back"
I kick him where it hurts and continue running, eventually finding a cave to hide out in.
"Shit" I mumble to myself as I realise what I've done, my father will be out searching for me soon and I know if he finds me I'll end up black and blue. I let out a sigh and decide to just go home, after all it's better being there when he gets back.

I climb through my window just as my dad is knocking my door "two minutes dad!" I rush to get changed into sleep wear so he doesn't suspect anything.
I walked over to the door and opened it slowly
"Hello Y/n we need to talk"
"It's late"
None of my words made my father leave so eventually we opted to sitting on my bed, ready for our 5th argument about the village in the past 2 days.
My father sighed heavily "Y/n I am sick of your recklessness so you are leaving" he spoke bluntly
I was taken aback by this and felt my heart begin to pound in my chest, ready to explode "b-but what about me being next in line and stuff I thought that was important to you" I tried to reason
"Pack your bags" and with that he left the room.
I sat frozen on my bed for sometime, not knowing what to do with myself. My father is a heartless man but I never expected this making his own daughter leave his island.

I sat on the small wooden boat that would lead me to Berk, the island that I was sent to, we are allies so it made sense I guess but it didn't make this easier. It's not like I knew anyone who lived there.
I sighed to myself as I tapped absentmindedly on the wooden floor boards.
"Nearly there miss" a villager spoke softly to me, I nodded and smiled at her before standing up and looking out in front of me where an island was, dragons flew all around it. I wasn't scared of dragons but had never actually seen one so it was a slight shock but also breathtaking, they were beautiful.

The ship docked and Berkians came clamouring down, I assumed they were family of the rest of the people of the ship.
I stepped off alone with just the small bag I had packed, I had to find the chief as instructed so I went over to a blonde girl whom stood beside a blue and yellow dragon
I cleared my throat and spoke "hi erm could you help me?" I smiled
The girl smiled back "what's up, I'm Astrid by the way I take it you are the chief of Aveur's daughter Y/n" she shook my hand
"Is it that obvious?" I laughed quietly
She just laughed with me and then I reminded myself I need to find her chief "sorry erm I was looking for the chief?" I fiddled with my fingers a tad
"Right this way" she smiled again.
We walked for about ten minutes, eventually coming up a lot of stairs to a big hall, Astrid opened the doors and sat at the back of the otherwise empty hall was whom I assumed was their cheif - Hiccup Haddock the 111, I honestly expected him to be slightly older but reminding myself his father had just passed I pushed that aside and just felt walking.
"Hey hiccup, this is Y/n L/n" Astrid smiled at the brunette.
He stood up clumsily and walked over to us
"Hi Y/n, I'm Hiccup" he greeted in a polite tone, I just smiled.
"So erm I'll leave yous to it" Astrid said rather awkwardly before swiftly making her exit
"So how can I help?" The boy offered
I laughed a tad embarrassed for some reason " somewhere I could stay?"
"Oh right sorry! You'll be staying in my house for the time being, come on I'll show you"

I got settled in to a room in Hiccup's house and after a while I heard a knock on the door, a brunette woman appeared "hi Y/n I'm Valka. Hiccups mother" she greeted
"Nice to meet you" I smiled softly
She looked around for a minute "I heard what happened back on your island and don't worry we are welcoming you with open arms, my son also has a tendency to run off sometimes. It won't matter here" she laughed
I felt my face heat up in embarrassment but laughed back "thanks" I mumbled
Valka cleared her throat and said how if I need anything just come to her or Hiccup, then she left.
I sat for a while just pondering on what was going on, after some internal debating I decided to just head outside and explore a little.
Coming out the front door I was nearly knocked out by 2 running people - identical twins I presumed by their looks
"Sorry! You must be Y/n, I'm Ruffnut and that's my very annoying twin Tuffnut" yep I was right
"I am not annoying!" The other twin shouted. I just smiled, suppressing a laugh that threatened to escape my thin lips.
"Anyway we are heading to the training arena, you're coming" Ruffnut said excitedly
"I- what n-" I tried to shout but she was pulling me and was very strong.

We came to an arena of sorts with loads of dragons and teens in it, including Hiccup. The dragons were amazing, I actually knew quite a lot because even though my island didn't have islands I had read every book I could find, I held a lot of fascination for the creatures.
Bringing me out of my thoughts Hiccup shouted Hi and I waved and began walking over towards him and his own dragon
"Holy Thor is that a night fury!" I laughed as I continued walking
"Yep the one and only!" Hiccup laughed back
I stared at the dragon in awe "is he yours?" I asked curiously and began walking towards the black dragon, ignoring the looks I got from other people around me
Hiccup followed and spoke again "yep, we were actually the ones to make peace between vikings and dragons here - that's toothless, I thought you would know that" he said in sarcastic cockiness
I scoffed a laugh as I petted his dragon, I was nervous but didn't show it "I did I just well I guess I never expected all the fairy tails I've heard be true" I mumbled
"Fairy tails?" Hiccup questioned with a weird look
I scratched under Toothless' chin as he leaned into my touch and purred before bringing my hand away "my father told me all about you defeating the red death and going on travels around the archipelago, he was close with yours but I never came to Berk. I'm not sure why actually" I shrugged before realising what I had mentioned "oh gods sorry Hiccup I didn't mean to bring up your dad oh my Thor sorry-" I began to ramble but he just laughed
"It's fine Y/n, people have said worse" he smiled reassuringly
I smiled back and continued asking questions about dragons and other things, then we walked out and headed to the forest, Hiccup saying he wanted to show me something.
It was weird, in the one day I had spent with him I already felt like we knew each other our whole life's.


A/n just going to write this one for fun I guess

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