Chapter 8

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Crystal's vision was coming back quickly which of course everyone was happy about and as for other updates Y/n and Hiccup had quickly became more than friends but the underlying worries of what Grimel was doing haunted the pair, and their close friends and family.


Y/n and Hiccup sat in front of the fire as their dragons rested beside them.
"What are you up to today milady?" Hiccup asked out of seemingly nowhere.
Y/n sighed lightly "not much, was just going to take Crystal out for a fly, what about you?" she shrugged
"I'm swamped with cheif duties since my mum and Gobber are away so probably just that. Feel free to fly Toothless too" he chuckled a little
"I'm not really sure how to work his tail but I'll give it ago" Y/n smiled and kissed Hiccup's cheek
He smiled back warmly "thank you, it's pretty easy just play around with it a bit and the normal leg attachment is upstairs"
Y/n snorted a laugh
"What's so funny?" Hiccup said as he raised a brow, trying to compress a smile
" sorry but 'normal leg attachment' sounds so funny to me I guess I've never really noticed your lack of leg" Y/n said once she'd calmed her laughing down
Hiccup then began to laugh "what you never noticed the massive bit of metal sticking out my armour?"
Y/n just laughed even more before eventually they both calmed down and Hiccup went out to get some of his work done.

"Okay buddy let's just take this easy" Y/n said as she patted Toothless' head but before she knew it he was galloping and had shot into the sky
"Toothlesssss!!" She screamed as they ascended into the clouds, making the dragon slow down and let out a purr of apology
Y/n chuckled a little "guess you are just used to Hiccup"
By the time they had began a slow glide Crystal had caught up and gave Toothless an 'are you serious' look which he returned with a gummy smile.
They flew about for a while before deciding to head back to Berk, but on the way both dragons began to growl
"What is it guys?" Y/n asked with worry as the dragons grew more anxious and before she could do anything her and Toothless were caught in a net and falling fast towards the deck of a boat.
Crystal tried to fly down to them but Y/n waved her hands as a sign of no so the dragon would go get help from Berk.

—Hiccup's pov—

I sat at the end of the great hall at the table where a meeting about trade was being held. Suddenly a bunch of commotion could be heard outside and within seconds Crystal was bursting through the front doors and galloping towards the council members and I.
I stood up and walked quickly towards the anxious dragon
"Easy girl, you're okay. Where's Y/n and Toothless?" I said with worry as I scratched her chin.
She started pacing around me roaring
"Guys get a search party out for Y/n and toothless, her dad may have her and we can't let anything happen!" I shouted to the council memebers whom all got up and started running out the hall, hopefully to get their dragons and more people.

I walked out the hall and jumped on to Crystal, already seeing some people flying ahead in search for my girlfriend and dragon. Worry flowed through me like lava as I rushed to find them, all the worst scenarios were coming to my head but I knew I had to be strong. After all I am chief now.
We searched for what felt like hours before anyone saw anything, eventually Astrid Spotted a boat and we all flew down to it. But the weird thing was, it was empty.
"It's a decoy" I murmured as I clenched my fists, trying not to show the rage that I was feeling. Crystal cooed sadly beside me "I know girl, we'll find them" I whispered softly to her, not even realising that Astrid was now beside me.
"We'll find them Hiccup, we just need a plan" she smiled as I turned to face her.
I sighed but remained hopeful "I just.. I can't think." I said after a few moments.
"Well that's why we are here to help" another voice said from behind me
"Thanks Fishlegs" I smiled at him.
Having all the gang here helped a lot and soon enough I came up with a plan. Go to Grimmel's island and search for Y/n, surely that's where they would be.

—Y/n POV—

I was dragged somewhere with a bag over my head, the roars of dragons surrounding me in the darkness. A ruff set of arms was taking me somewhere and I didn't dare think where, I could only hope I wasn't back in my childhood village but then again if I was at least Hiccup could find me.
Had he realised I was gone?
And Toothless.
Where had they taken him after knocking me out?
Before I could begin to answer my thoughts the bag was taken off and I was pushed into a damp cell, I fell to the solid floor with a thump and my body ached.
I pushed through the pain "where am I?" I asked the guard with mock confidence.
He grinned at me with no hint of humour behind his eyes "that's something Grimel would like to explain" he laughed sharply and left. Leaving me to my own thoughts yet again.
I had to escape before my father got here, the door was a thick metal and so were the walls so no chance of getting out there. I checked my boot for the little knife I had hidden and thankfully it was still there. I pushed it into the keyhole and opened the door quietly.
I stepped into a massive hall but for some odd reason there was only a guard guarding one door, so I assumed that's where Toothless was.
I ran full force at the guard and quickly sliced his wrists with my knife, leaving him to bleed as I stole his keys and opened the cell door.
I searched the dark room for any sign of Toothless but there was none.
"Hello my child" a figure said from the back.


A/n sorry it's been a while I have major writers block and am back at school fully doing all nat5s so I am major stressed. I'll still try update though 🫶

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