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Aadhya pov
The 43-hrs train journey from Bengaluru to Dehradun felt like an eternity, but my heart raced with excitement. It was my first assignment as an army doctor, and my best friend Priya was by my side as she was also posted in same base hospital as mine. Leaving behind the familiar sights and sounds of home, we embarked on this new chapter of our life with confidence and anticipation.
As we were still half way there ,I found myself lost in thought, imagining the challenges and adventures that awaited me at the military base camp.
Various questions were popping up in my brain -Would I be ready for the challenges ahead? Would I make a difference?
Before i could think any further ,my best friend, always the romantic at heart, interrupted me with her usual antics.She was lost in a romantic scene from a Wattpad book, sighing and giggling in delight. I couldn't help but shake my head at her fascination with such trivial matters.To me, love and romance felt like distant concepts, especially after being hurt in high school. Since then, I'd focused solely on my career, determined to make a real difference as an army doctor.
Seeing my friend swoon over fictional romance only solidified my belief that such sentiments were childish fantasies. Blushing and giggling over love scenes?*scoffs*
Not my style.
I had bigger things to worry about-like saving lives and making a real impact in the world.With that in mind, I gently brushed off my friend's distractions and I took out the briefing documents provided by my superiors memorizing the layout of the base camp and familiarizing myself with the medical protocols.

After enduring what felt like an eternity,the train finally pulled into the station in Dehradun,"Finally here," I muttered, and stood up stretched my body, Glancing over at Priya, who was obliviously still drooling on her pillow, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Seriously, Priya? We're here!" I nudged her none too gently, but she just grunted and turned away, still lost in dreamland. "Ugh, wake up, you lazy pig! Vedanth's probably waiting for us,and if you don't snap out of it, I might just ditch you here!"

I shook her harder this time, earning nothing but a "Fuck you" in response. "Fine, be that way," I scoffed, crossing my arms. "But don't come crying to me when you miss out on all the action. Your loss, sleeping beauty!"
After Priya finally woke up, we hurriedly grabbed our stuff and got off the train.
Just as I glanced around for Vedanth, my phone buzzed, I answered it only to hear his annoying voice.
'Hey Aadhya, sorry yarr, gonna be 10 minutes late. Are you guys at the station yet?' I grunted,
'Yeah, we're here. Take your sweet time macha ( bro), we'll be waiting.' Saying this,
I cut the call and turned back only to find Priya knocked out on a bench nearby. Seriously, this girl could sleep through a tornado. How on earth did she even make it into the army?"

Vedanth finally showed up to the train station, fashionably late as always. He took our language and kept it in his car trunk,we then set off to our quaters near the base camp, Tomorrow, we had to report to the CO of that camp ,Pulling up to the quarters, Vedanth played the gentleman, lugging our suitcases to our room. But let's not be fooled; I've known him since childhood, and I'm well aware he's just buttering us up for some ulterior motive.
Before I could equire him about it, my phone erupted with the name "AMMA" glaring on the screen. I quickly picked it up ,I greeted, already feeling the pressure mounting. "Hey, Ms Nandini what's up ?" Her voice sliced through the line, accusatory. "Don't try to sidestep it, Aadhya. Why didn't you call me like I told you to? You know I asked for that call as soon as you arrived."
"Sorry, Amma, the train journey was hectic, and I got caught up in the rush. But don't worry, we're here now, and everything's fine." I said
"Hectic train journey, huh? Oh, so you're too busy for your own mother now, are you?, okay remember to call me next time ,go and rest now" saying that she ended the call,ahhh typical Indian mom's
I looked at vedanth who keeping my bags in my room " Macha, looks like 'Mother India' is on a roll today. Get ready for the interrogation rounds." He chuckles,

"Get ready, let's hit up that awesome dose joint nearby," Vedanth declared, knowing exactly how to get me excited. My eyes practically lit up at the mention of dosa. Seriously, I could eat dosa every day for the rest of my life and never get bored. And Vedanth knew it.

"You're the best, Ved!" I grinned, giving him a thumbs up. He just chuckled and went to inform Priya.

After freshening up and changing, I headed downstairs to find both of them waiting for me. Priya couldn't resist a sarcasm and said"Here comes the dosa queen." I playfully nudged her arm, and she winced in pain. It had been ages since the three of us hang out together like this.

Vedanth treated us to some delicious doses at the joint.
He knew exactly what we liked - I went for the classic benne dose (ghee dose)while Vedanth and Priya opted for masala dose. We wandered around the market afterward, and I spotted a beautiful bangle shop, making a mental note to come back later.

Finally, Vedanth dropped us back at the quarters. Exhausted from all the fun, I bid goodbye to both of them and practically collapsed onto my bed. Sleep claimed me almost instantly, without giving me a chance to resist.

Morning 9:00
My phone buzzed, and it was Priya calling. Panic surged through me as I checked the time. "It's 9 already? Oh, shit, shit! I'm late! I have to report by 9:30!" I screamed, getting off my bed ,i rushed into the shower and came out within 5 mins ,I wore my uniform , took my joining letter and grabbed my things and locked my door rushed downstairs,i saw Priya waiting for me ,then we both ran for our lives as the camp was nearby we reached there by 9:28 and i muttered with exhaustion "on time"

We knocked at the CO office door and he said "march in", we opened the door and marched in and in unison we salute him saying "Jai hind sir",then he said to relax and we submitted him our letters and then he summoned RMO ( regiment medical officer) came in and we did the same to him ,as he would be supervising us and then CO gave him our letters and told us to follow him,Following the RMO's lead, we listened attentively as he outlined our assignments, reassured by his mention of senior guidance.we arrived at his office,

We waited for the arrival of our soon to be team captains ,there was knock on the door,As they entered, one voice struck a chord of familiarity, and I turned to see him-tall, handsome, and oh so arrogant. My mind went blank, snapped out of it only by Priya's nudging.
The RMO introduced our team captains: "Lt. Priya Jain and Lt. Aadhya Shetty, meet your team captains, Cap. Akshay Nadig and Cap. Ashish Hegde." My heart sank as I struggled to comprehend why fate had to be so cruel. Why did it have to be him, out of all people? This was undoubtedly going to be a living nightmare.


Hello readers,this your author lucky,so how was the first chapter 😏😏
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The next chapters are gonna be more interesting .
Kk bye bye guys see you in the next chapter 👋

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