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Finally, my 10th grade came to an end, ohh grades?

who cared about it anyway? a mere sheet of paper can't decide our futures, right? hahahah

Akshay joined a college in Coorg while staying with his Ajji and Aadhi baby. Next year it would be my story too, moving to Coorg with my father.

This year, I have to tolerate my classmates without Akshay and Vedanth.

Vedanth moved to Mysuru because of his mom's job. It's going to be hard, but it's gonna be fine especially with Aadhya by my side. seeing her every day, chatting with her, it's enough to keep me going. But I know I'll miss her terribly once this year is over. I've made up my mind to finally tell her how I feel, to spill my heart out, If Akshay were here, he'd probably talk me out of it. Vedanth, obliviously he doesn't know yet. When will I gather the courage to confess her? Can I ever face her when the time comes?

As I stepped into 11th grade, everything seemed to be falling into place. But out of nowhere, everything crumbled.

11th June,2016

As the last rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I made my way home from volleyball practice. But as I approached our house, an uneasy feeling settled over me, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

My heart quickened as I noticed a crowd gathered in front of our home. What could have drawn so many people here? Ignoring the whispers and curious glances, I hurried forward, my pulse racing.

And then I saw her-my mother-standing outside the door, her face a mask of shock and sorrow. The same woman who had been absent from my life since the divorce. Why was she here now? What had happened?

Pushing through the crowd, I stepped into the house, only to find it filled with police officers,

without my knowledge my legs took me to my father's office room ,

As I stood there, the world crumbled around me. Seeing my father hanging by a rope, lifeless, was a horror I couldn't process. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder that this was real, that he was gone. I felt like I was drowning, suffocating under the weight of my grief and disbelief.

The room felt like it was closing in on me, the air too thick to breathe. Police officers moved around, their voices a distant murmur, discussing what needed to be done next, but their words didn't register. All I could focus on was my father's still form, the man who had been my anchor, now lost forever.

"Pa... no..." I whispered, my voice trembling and weak. My legs gave out, and I collapsed to the ground, unable to tear my eyes away from his still form. Tears blurred my vision, hot and relentless, streaming down my face. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think-every part of me was consumed by the raw, agonizing pain of loss.

"Appa!" I screamed, the sound tearing through my throat.

My sobs were violent, shaking my whole body.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" My cries echoed off the walls, mixing with the distant noise of the crowd gathering outside, but no one could offer the answers I desperately needed.

I tried to crawl towards him, my movements slow and heavy. Every inch closer brought more pain, the reality of his death sinking in deeper.

My chest tightened with each breath. The sight of him hanging there was a nightmare I couldn't escape, a vision that would haunt me forever.

My mother stood nearby, She looked as lost as I felt, her eyes red and swollen from crying. We were both broken, shattered pieces of a family that had already been fractured by divorce. Her presence was a painful reminder of happier times, now tainted by this unbearable tragedy.

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