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Present day - Indian Army Base, Dehradun

I was lost in my memories of the past. Thoughts of Aadhya filled my mind-the way she looked at me, the way she smiled, and the moment I broke her heart. It had been seven years since that day, and yet, the memories were as vivid as ever.

Suddenly, the door to my quarters flew open with a loud bang. Akshay stood there.

"Get up, bro! We have a drill with the newcomers in thirty minutes. Move it!" he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I dragged myself out of bed and splashed cold water on my face, trying to shake off the sleep and memories. Dressing quickly in my uniform, I prepared myself for the day ahead.

By the time I reached the field, the newcomers were already assembled. Akshay was there, organizing the troops. I joined him, and together we instructed them about the drill. Once everything was in order, I took a step back and positioned myself under a tree, arms crossed, watching them intently. Akshay stayed closer to the action, keeping a keen eye on the recruits.

As I stood there, my mind began to wander again. I thought about Vedanth, who would be returning from the camp today after a month away. My thoughts drifted further back to the past month-seeing Aadhya again after seven years, our awkward conversations, our petty arguments. Despite everything, it was good to have her back in my life, even if we were constantly at each other's throats.It's just feels good to mess with her.

She was as beautiful as ever, maybe even more so. Her clumsiness and cuteness had not changed a bit.I think she still likes bangles and ofcourse doses as much as she did back then. But the way she ignored me now, the cold shoulder she gave me, was a reminder of the hurt I had caused her.

I wished things could be different between us. Just as I was lost in these thoughts, a familiar voice pierced the air, loud.

"Captain Ashish!"

I knew it was her. I turned to see Aadhya marching toward me, her expression a mix of frustration and determination.

"Yes, Lieutenant Shetty?" I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and collected.

"Do you always daydream during drills, or is it just a special occasion?" she asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

I smirked. "Only when I'm thinking about important things, like how to handle a certain troublesome doctor in our team."

Her eyes narrowed. "Troublesome? I save lives while you play soldier. Don't forget that."

I chuckled, "Touché, Doctor. But someone has to make sure you have a safe environment to do your job."

"Just try not to get yourself killed, Captain. I'd hate to have to patch you up again."

Our eyes locked for a moment, and the world seemed to fade away. Despite the sharp words and the barbs, there was something unspoken between us-a connection that neither of us could deny.

Before I could respond, Akshay's voice cut through the air. "Alright, everyone, take a five-minute break!"

As the recruits resumed their training, I couldn't help but glance at Aadhya. She was still the same girl I had fallen for all those years ago, and despite everything, my feelings for her hadn't changed. I just hoped that one day, I'd find the courage to tell her the truth.

For now, we had a job to do, and I was determined to prove that I could be the leader-and maybe, just maybe, the man she needed me to be.
Aadhya pov

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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