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It's him, it's Ashish Hegde,


As the morning sun cast its warm glow over the military base,
Aadhya found herself standing in the field, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of fellow soldiers preparing for the day ahead.
Her mind, however, was preoccupied with the events of the previous day-the revelation that her assigned team captain would be none other than Ashish Hegde, a name she hadn't uttered in years, and whose memory lingered like a shadow in her mind.

As aadhya was lost in the thought,"Aadhya, are you okay?" It was Priya, with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Aadhya knowing where it was going,"Oh, I mean, what could possibly go wrong with Ashish Hegde as our team captain?"

Priya's laughed out loud, echoing across the field. "Oh, I don't know, maybe he'll accidentally trip and fall flat on his face during a drill? Now wouldn't that be a sight to see?"

Aadhya couldn't help but join in,"Or perhaps he'll forget his own name in front of the commanding officer. Now that would be a real treat!"

A voice came from behind them, and Aadhya turned to see Akshay Nadig, joining their conversation with a grin. "Or perhaps he'll mistake his boot for a telephone and try to make a call in the middle of a briefing. Now that would be a real Kodak moment!"
Aadhya couldn't help but chuckle at Akshay's addition to the banter. "Oh, come on, Akshay, let's give him some credit. Maybe he'll surprise us all and actually remember to bring his rifle to the shooting range!"
Priya nodded enthusiastically, playing along. "Yes, or perhaps he'll manage to navigate through a maze without getting lost. Now that would truly be a miracle!"

Their banter continued as they made their way to the designated meeting spot, each joke serving to lighten the mood and ease the tension in the air.
Little did they know, Ashish had overheard their conversation. His footsteps echoed behind them, his expression unreadable as he approached.

"Is there something amusing about my leadership, Lieutenant Shetty?"
Ashish's voice was cold, his tone cutting through the atmosphere like a knife.
Aadhya's heart skipped a beat, faltering as she turned to face him. "N-no, Captain Hegde, of course not. We were just... uhm.."

Ashish narrowing his gaze to aadhya,
Meanwhile Priya escaped from the scene in zippy, leaving those 2 behind,motivated by her when Akshay turned to escape from the scene Ashish turning his gaze from aadhya to Akshay "Stop right there cap AKSHAY NADIG" Ashish literally ordered him, Akshay froze in the place,
"Follow me cap akshay" ashish said in low commanding voice ,and akshay did so.
" Have a good day Lt Shetty" his tone is polite but distant.aadhya watched but of them disappear her heart still racing with fear and uncertainty. Ashish's polite yet distant tone echoed in her ears, sending a shiver down her spine.

Meanwhile, as Ashish and Akshay walked away, their interaction quickly devolved into a playful argument,
It was clear that the two men were old friends, comfortable enough to let their guards down,they were more like brothers

" how could you do this to me Ashish that too in front of her" Ashish voice came out .

Akshay shot back with a playful retort, his laughter mingling with Ashish's. "Maybe not, but I can definitely outsmart you!"Ashish chuckled,
a hint of challenge in his tone. "Oh, is that so? I'd like to see you try, Cap Akshay 'The Escape Artist' Nadig."
"Why do I need an enemy when I have best friend " ashish shook his head while telling this

"Just you wait, Captain Hegde. One of these days, I'll have you eating dust on the training ground!" Akshay sad with his competitive spirit

And the banter continued as they made their way through the base, each exchange more exaggerated than the last.
As they disappeared from sight, Aadhya couldn't help but smile,at there friendship.

Priya appeared on the scene, her presence drawing a frown from Aadhya. "Well, look who decided to show up," Aadhya muttered, her tone tinged with annoyance.
Priya raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Aadhya's irritation. "Sorry, sorry, I got caught up in something. But hey, at least you had your new best friend, Cap Akshay, to keep you company."Aadhya shot her friend a glare, her frustration evident.
"Oh, don't even start, Priya. You left me high and dry out here!"Priya's eyes twinkled with mischief as she shrugged.

"What can I say? Survival of the fittest, right? Besides, I knew you could handle yourself just fine with your new buddy."Aadhya huffed in exasperation, but couldn't suppress a smile at Priya's teasing.

Despite her irritation, she couldn't stay mad at her friend for long.As they fell into step together, the two friends continued on their way, their banter and laughter filling the air once more.
For Aadhya, there was no denying the comfort and strength she drew from their friendship, a reminder that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have her comrades by her side.
And as they disappeared from sight, their voices mingling in a chorus of camaraderie, Aadhya couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bonds that held them together, even in the face of adversity.

Meanwhile Ashish and Akshay were in field supervising their teammates,they got a buzz on there phones at a time , they checked it.
As Ashish and Akshay exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes conveying a silent understanding that words could not express.


Thankyou for reading till the end
It was a short chapter,
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Kk see you guys in the next chapter 👋

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