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As Ashish limped into the base hospital with the help of Akshay,his uniform was stained with blood and their faces twisted in pain.

"What the hell happened to you cap Ashish?" Aadhya demanded, her usually calm demeanor replaced by a fiery intensity.

Ashish winced as he tried to offer a reassuring smile. "Just a little run-in with some troublemakers, nothing we couldn't handle," he replied through gritted teeth.

"A little run-in? You call getting shot a little run-in?" Aadhya exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration and fear.

Priya and Akshay stood nearby, watching the exchange. Priya nudged Akshay's shoulder, silently asking what happened. He shook his head in response.

Akshay said, "Well, you know us, always attracting trouble wherever we go," he quipped, though his words were laced with agony.

But Aadhya wasn't buying it. "Stop with the jokes, Ashish. This is serious," she snapped, her eyes blazing with emotion. "What happened out there?"

"It's classified," he finally replied, his voice firm and resolute.

Aadhya's eyes narrowed as she bristled with frustration. "Classified? You expect us to just accept that?" she retorted, her tone sharp with anger.

Akshay stepped forward, his expression hardening as he met Aadhya's gaze head-on. "Look, Aadhya, we can't tell you everything. Just trust us when we say we're doing what needs to be done," he replied, his voice firm and unwavering.

But Aadhya wasn't about to back down. "Trust you? How can we trust you when you won't even tell us the truth?" she shot back, her frustration boiling over.

As tension hung thick in the air, Aadhya and Priya exchanged a silent glance, their hearts heavy with worry and uncertainty. Aadhya began treating Ashish, their eyes briefly meeting, stirring memories of their high school days.

Ashish winced as Aadhya examined the wound on his back, a reminder of the mission where he took a bullet while protecting Mr. Rao. The details of that mission were something he couldn't disclose here, but the pain served as a testament to his dedication and sacrifice.

As Aadhya tended to Ashish's wound, her mind drifted back to their school days, a time when life was simpler yet just as intense.

Nine years ago

Aadhya's POV

26 may,2015

As I rushed to school, the crisp ironed uniform clinging to me, I couldn't contain my excitement. It was my first day at KVB, one of the best schools in the state, and I was ready to make my mark. Thanks to acing the entrance exam, I was ranked first and now found myself starting in the 9th standard. The anticipation bubbled inside me as I stepped onto the school grounds.

The first week flew by in a blink of new faces and unfamiliar hallways, but amidst it all, I found a kind hearted spirit Priya Jain. Originally from Bihar, she had been transferred here due to her father's job and landed in this new school at the same time as me. We clicked instantly, and went through high school together.

2nd June,2015
But on this particular day,
I found myself running late for the school assembly. The PT teacher, Mr. Ramnan, was known for his strictness, and I couldn't afford another punishment as I received one on Saturday for not tieing up my hair. Dodging obstacles like a hurdle athelete,and I finally reached the back gate of the school as it was safe hoping for a stealthy entrance.
As I entered through the backgate I found myself attracted to the volleyball ground nearby, a massive crowd gathered around the volleyball ground, I edged closer, forgetting all about the assembly.
There, in the midst of the heated match between KVB and Royal,the rivals of all time, and there stood Ashish Hegde, the volleyball team captain and the heartthrob of many. He exuded an aura of confidence and charisma, his tall frame dominating the court. With his chiseled features and a smile that could melt hearts, he was the epitome of a high school heartthrob.

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