6. Attack

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     Craig rushed out of his class without a word and rushed down the halls to Tweek's, class. His friend Tolkien is sitting beside his twitchy boyfriend when he arrives. The blonde boy is sitting in the fetal position, his band-aid-covered hands gripping his hair.
     "What happened?" Craig asked Tolkien.
      "I'm not sure. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, he was freaking out."
      Craig nods, crouching in front of Tweek. He takes the hat off his head and places it on Tweek's to stop him from pulling his hair. His breathing is quick and his whole body is trembling.
     "Tolkien, could you go grab his stuff?"
     His friend nods and disappears into the classroom.
     "Tweek, look at me." Craig says, resting a hand on his knee.
     Tweek looks up, his eyes watery and face red from hyperventilating.
     "Take deep breaths with me, okay? One, two, three..." Craig breathes in slowly, holding it for a second and then exhaling.
      Tweek does his best to copy, inhaling and exhaling slower and slower until his breathing has calmed.
"What happened, love?" Craig asks, taking one of Tweek's tapping hands and stroking it with his thumb, three times.
"I-I don't know." Tweek mumbles.
Tolkien comes back out with Tweek's bag and coffee-filled water bottle, setting it on the floor beside them.
"Do you wanna go home, honey?" Craig asks Tweek.
He nods. "Yes, please."
Craig helps his trembling boyfriend stand, nodding thanks to Tolkien before they leave.
When they get to Craig's car, he waits as tweek buckles and unbuckles his seat belt several times before pulling out of the school parking lot. He reaches over and holds Tweek's hand, giving it a tight squeeze as they pull into his driveway.
Once the two of them are inside, Tweek sits on the couch as Craig brings him a blanket and a glass of water. He knows Tweek would rather have coffee, but after an anxiety attack like that, he wants Tweek to have a break from caffeine. He sits down and cuddles his boyfriend, placing kisses atop his messy blonde head.
"Do you wanna talk about it yet?" He asks, his voice soft and gentle. He only ever spoke to Tweek this way.
"No." Tweek squeaks out.
"Okay. Let me know when you want to." Craig says, making sure Tweek knows he is there for him. "Do you need anything, honey?"
"I would love s-some coffee." Tweek smiles.
Craig chuckles and kisses his cheek. "Anything but that. Drink some water first, you need it."
"Bleh" Tweek protests but drinks from his glass anyway. "I'm sorry for pulling you out of class to take care of me."
"Don't be. I was falling asleep anyway." Craig assures. "Plus I love taking care of you."
"You shouldn't have to be burdened by me."
Craig places his hands on the sides of Tweek's face. "You're not a burden. Don't say stuff like that."
Tweek's eyes fill with tears. Craig pulls him closer, squeezing him tightly.
"I feel so st-stupid. Everyone was looking at me and I c-couldn't breathe. I ran out of the class to keep f-from freaking out in front of everyone, but I know they all knew. They all th-think I'm a freak." Tweek begins trembling again, tapping his finger against his thigh, pausing after every third tap.
     "No one thinks you're a freak, I promise." Craig tries his best to wipe his boyfriend's tears away but they keep flowing.
     "You d-dont know that." Tweek mutters.
     Craig sighs. "True, I don't. But who cares what they think? They're all a bunch of assholes anyway. Everyone who actually knows you knows that you're not a freak. We all know that you're amazing, and smart," Craig begins to kiss his face. "and cute, and funny, and sweet."
     Tweek chuckles and tries to push Craig away. "Stop it." He says with a smile.
     Craig pulls Tweek close and kisses his nose and cheeks before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you, Tweek Tucker." Craig loved to add his own last name to Tweek's
      Tweek wipes his eyes. "I love you too. Thank you for dealing with me"
     "I'm not dealing. I'm doing my job as your boyfriend." Craig responds. "Do you wanna tell me what happened now?"
      Tweek sighs. "Okay, but only if I can play with Stripe while I do."
     Craig nods, knowing that a distraction will be good for him while he explains what happened. They go up the steps to Craig's room and Craig carefully takes Stripe out of his cage and places him in Tweek's lap. Despite always being twitchy, Tweek always manages to hold nearly completely still when holding their guinea pig.
    Craig's phone buzzes. He looks to see a message from Tolkien asking if Tweek is okay. Craig swipes the notification away with the intention of answering it later. Right now, he wanted to to focus on Tweek.
"So, you were in marketing class with Tolkien. He left to the bathroom and then..." Craig started.
     "And then our teacher started explaining our next project." Tweek added, stroking Stripe gently between his ears. "It's a group project due the Friday before fall b-break but our groups are assigned. I got placed with Kyle, C-Cartman, and Wendy." He explains.
     "Ah. That sounds like fun." Craig scoffs.
     "I hate Cartman. He's always pulling s-some sh-shit that gets everyone else around him in trouble. And I know he doesn't do any work. P-plus, he hates Wendy and K-Kyle! Being in a group with all three of th-them is going to be hell!"
     Craig nods in understanding. That fat-ass Cartman truly is the fucking worst.
     "W-what makes it worse is that my teacher knows about m-my anxiety disorder! A-and she knows I c-can't stand C-Cartman! No one can!" Tweek's stuttering increases as he becomes more frustrated. "When I heard she wasn't allowing any changes for anyone I panicked. I t-tried to tap my way out of it but when Tolkien came back into the room it st-startled me and threw me off count and s-sent me spiraling. P-Plus I ran out of coffee the class before and forgot my extra medicine at home because I cleaned out my b-backpack yesterday." Tweek sets Stripe down as he starts twitching again. He starts tapping his fingers in threes again.
     Craig stands to put Stripe back in his cage before sitting down in front of Tweek.
      "Honey, listen. I'll go in with you tomorrow and we can talk to the teacher about switching your group. If she still says no, both Wendy and Kyle are hella smart. They won't let Cartman hold your group back." He leans forward and kisses Tweek's forehead. "Everything will be okay."
     Tweek takes a deep breath and nods. "You're right. It will be fine." He then smiles up at Craig, making the boy melt. "Thank you."
     Craig nods, staring back into his boyfriend's light blue eyes. His eyes fall to the boy's lips and he wonders if it's okay to kiss him now, even though Tweek was just ranting a moment ago.
     His wonder is answered when Tweek leans forward and places a soft kiss on his lips. Craig kisses back, grabbing Tweek's waist in his hands. Tweek pushes Craig back so he's leaning against the wall as his hands cup Craig's face. Tweek pulls Craig's hat off and runs his fingers through his sleek black hair. He pulled back to kiss Craig's nose three times.
     "I love you." He says between each kiss.
     Craig loved to be kissed by Tweek. He loved it when he could taste the coffee on his tongue or smell it on his breath. Tweek was never afraid to kiss Craig, despite his usual anxious nature, and did so any chance he got. He never cared if people stared or made rude remarks. Craig knew Tweek felt safe with him and he was glad. This boy deserved the world, and if he could, Craig would give it to him.

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