17. Ice Cream

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Kenny tapped his fingers on his thighs while he walked to his biology class. He had missed first period today because of a fight with Kevin and had missed seeing Marjorine. He was excited to see his favorite gal after the weekend.
Kenny stepped into the classroom to find Mari already in her seat next to his. As he took his seat though, he noticed that her hair had been cut a significant amount. What had used to be shoulder length, now barely reached past her ears. Her bangs were much shorter too and more blended into the rest of her head.
"Hey." he said with a smile.
Marjorine didn't look up from where she was scribbling. "Hi." she said quietly.
Kenny glanced down, noticing she was using her right hand to scribble even though she was left-handed, and saw a large, teal cast around her left wrist.
"Oh my god, what happened?" he asked, worry spreading across his face.
      "I just fell." Marjorine shrugs.
      Kenny studies her face for a moment, not buying that excuse. Her eyes stay fixed on the paper in front of her. She's holding her pencil tightly, trying to keep the line steady in her non-dominant hand.
"What about your hair? I thought you were tryna grow it out." Kenny asks.
Marjorine doesn't respond. She turns away from him to face the front of the classroom. Kenny sighed, accepting that he should stop bothering her about it for now, deciding class was probably not the best time to press her for the real answer.

As soon as the bell rings, Marjorine shoves her stuff in her bag and leaves the classroom. Kenny tries to catch up to her but loses sight of her once the halls fill. He frowns, becoming increasingly worried about her. He pushes his way outside only to find her parents' car already driving away from the school.
Kenny sighs, disappointed. He had only gotten to see Marjorine for a short time today and he had been looking forward to talking with her all weekend. And now he was incredibly worried about her, she'd never acted this way before.
Defeated, Kenny hops onto the bus. He notices Cartman sitting with the curly-haired girl he'd brought to lunch today. If Ken was remembering correctly, her name was Yentl. She seemed nice but was so clearly Jewish it was baffling to see Eric being so kind to her. Kenny wondered if maybe he was planning something malicious but hoped against it. Putting your faith in Cartman's ability to grow as a person was a terrible idea yet something about the way he looked at Yentl seemed real.
A few minutes later, his sister boards the bus as well, sitting beside Kenny with a flop. She didn't greet him like normal, which Kenny noticed immediately. He knew she hadn't been feeling too upbeat after this morning.
     He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head before returning his attention to the window.

     Kevin's truck was in the driveway when the two siblings arrived home. Both of their parents had been out for a few days. It wasn't unlike them to leave for this long on occasion. One time, they'd been gone for two weeks in a row, likely on a bender with some of their old friends.
     Karen follows Kenny into his room and sits on his bed, pulling her tablet out to draw. Kenny sat beside her, watching her sketch.
     "How're you feelin', kare-bear?" He asked.
      She shrugged.
      "Do you want to talk about it?"
      She shook her head no.
     He nodded. "How do you feel about getting ice cream tonight?"
     A small grin spread across her lips. She looked up at him. "Really?"
     Kenny nods, ruffling her hair with his hand. "Yes, ma'am."
     Karen smiles. "I'd like to."
Ken smiles back, glad to have cheered her up a bit. After a few more minutes of watching Karen draw, Kenny stands and makes his way to the kitchen. Kevin is already in there, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.
"Hey, Kev." Kenny greets him.
"Hey." Kevin glances in his direction but only for a moment. "How's Karen?"
Kenny leans against the wall, picking his nail polish. "She's alright. I was gonna take her to go get ice cream later, did you wanna go?" Kenny offers.
"I can't." Kevin says, putting the milk back into the fridge.
"What? Why not?"
Kevin leans his forehead against the fridge door. "I just... I can't."
Kenny frowns. "Kevin, what's going on?"
Kevin shakes his head. "You wouldn't get it."
Kenny scoffs. "Kev, if you're still worried about this morning, don't be. You can make it up to her by going with us and having a good night out with her. She's seen drunk before, she'll be okay."
"It's not okay, Ken! She... you don't understand."
"Then help me understand, Kev! What is going on with you?" Kenny yells.
Kevin clenches his fists. "Because she looked at me the same way she looks at Dad!" Kevin sighs. "I fucking scare her."
Kenny stares at Kevin for a moment. He looks hurt to the core.
"She's not scared of you, Kev. She's just worried about you. She knows you'd never do anything to hurt her or me." Kenny steps closer to his brother.
Kevin looks away from Kenny's eyes. "But what if I get drunk again and I'm worse than I was this morning? What if i actually-"
"Kevin, quit it." Kenny interrupts him. He leans forward and hugs his brother. "You are nothing like him, okay?"
Kevin buries his face in Kenny's shoulder. "I'm scared I'm going to become him, Ken. I already look just like him."
Kenny leans back so that Kevin is looking him in the eyes. "Well, yeah. You're his kid, it's inevitable. We all look a bit like him. That doesn't mean you are him."
Kevin sighs, leaning against the counter behind him. "Thanks, Ken. Karen's lucky to have you. We both are."
Kenny smiles. "So will you come with us to get ice cream?"
Kevin chuckles. "Yeah, i suppose."

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