13. Waffles

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Kenny walked down the dark street, dimly lit by house lights and the few street lamps that worked. It was about 10:30 pm and he'd just finished his shift at City Wok. Lu Kim always let him work as late as he wanted, which Ken appreciated since he needed the money. He'd usually stay until closing at twelve but he was exhausted from working a shift at the car shop earlier that day. Most of his weekends were completely filled with work. He felt bad leaving Karen at home alone, but he needed to work as much as he could to get them out of this God-forsaken town. Plus, Kevin had been home the past few days and he knew he'd keep an eye on her.
Once inside he realized both of his parents were out, likely partying and getting shitfaced drunk. He peeked into Karen and Kevin's room to find them both asleep. He smiled, relieved they were both okay and made his way to his room.
He laid down on his floor and closed his eyes. He did this a lot and had often fallen asleep without ever moving to his bed. It seemed tonight would be one of those times.

He woke up to a loud crashing sound, like broken glass. Immediately he shot up and into the kitchen where the sound came from.
Karen stood alone with pieces of a shattered broken plate at her feet. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to."
Tears welled up in her eyes. Karen had been screamed at by their parents so many times for accidents like this that she happened to start crying immediately out of guilt, even if it was only Kenny who was around. It seems his parents hadn't even come last night and probably wouldn't until tomorrow morning.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Kenny assured her, reaching over the broken porcelain and lifting her up and over to his side of the kitchen so that she wouldn't step on any of the shattered plate.
She wiped her eyes, trying her best not to let the tears fall. "I was trying to make you and Kev breakfast. I'm sorry."
Kenny crouched down beside her. "Kare-bear, look at me. Its OK. I promise. No one is upset with you. It was just an accident." He wiped her tears with his thumb. "Let me clean this up and then you can get right back to cooking, okay?"
She nodded and stepped away so he could sweep. Once he was done, Karen came back in and poured batter into their waffle iron. One of the few fancy items they had.
Kenny sat at the kitchen table behind her.
"Making breakfast for us all is really sweet. What's the occasion?" Kenny asked.
"Nothing really. I guess maybe 'cause Kevin's back." she shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant about it.
Kenny knew just how happy she was though. She had really, really missed him.
"I'll go wake him up. Tell him not to miss out on his awesome little sister's handmade breakfast." Kenny said, standing.
He entered his siblings' room, finding Kevin face down on his pillow. Kenny crouched down beside him poking him.
"Kev, wake up. Karen's making us breakfast. Waffles."
Kevin sat up at the last word. "Really? For us?" He mumbled
"Yessir." Kenny grabbed his brother's hand, tugging him upwards.
As his brother began to stand, Kenny saw a needle fall on the floor from inside his pillowcase. He immediately grabbed the pillow and shook it. A few needles and a few tiny bottles of what was likely heroin fell out.
"Kevin, what the fuck?!" Kenny yelled.
He shut the bedroom door so Karen couldn't hear as well. "You can't have this shit in this house especially in the same fucking room as Karen!" He glared at Kevin. He couldn't believe Kevin would put Karen in danger like this.
"I- "
"No. What the fuck were you thinking?" He shoved his brother's chest. "What is wrong with you?"
Kevin didn't try to push back. He didn't even say anything. He just looked at Kenny with an ashamed expression.
Kenny clenched his fists. He hated that he wanted to punch Kevin. No matter how he tried to be a kind, loving person, he was still full of anger. He was a McCormick after all.
Kenny took a deep breath and looked away from his brother. "I want this, all of this, out of here as soon as we finish breakfast, understand?"
Kevin nodded. "I... I'm sorry."
Kenny blinked hard, still unable to look at his brother. Kenny exited the room and went back to the kitchen. Karen had already set the table, a pile of waffles on a plate in the middle of the table. She was sitting at one end, picking at her waffle with her fork.
Kenny forced himself to smile. "Wow, Karen. This looks awesome." He sits down in the seat next to her.
Kevin comes out and takes the chair across from Karen. "Holy shit, this does look good. You did this all yourself?"
Karen nodded.
Kenny took a bite of his waffle. They didn't have any syrup or toppings but it was still delicious.
He nudges Karen. "This is so good." He says with his mouth full.
Karen can't help but laugh.
Kevin takes a bite and groans. "Oh my god. How many of these can I have?"
Karen smiles. "Uh. As many as you want."
Kevin smiles and grabs three more from the pile, stuffing his face.
By the time they're all full, there's still a few waffles left. Kenny puts a bit of plastic wrap over them and stuffs them in the fridge.
"Thank you, Karen, for the delicious meal." he says patting her head. "Why don't you put the dishes in the sink and I'll clean them in a little bit."
She groans. "This is my least favorite part of cooking."
Kenny chuckles. "Yep, but it's gotta be done."

Kenny watches Kevin enter his and Karen's room and come back out with his pillowcase in hand. Kenny walks him out the door and to his truck where he puts the case in his passenger seat.
"I know it's hard to quit. I get it. But please, Kev, I am begging you. Don't bring it around here. Don't bring it around Karen." Kenny says, looking up at his older brother.
Kevin nods and sighs. "I know. I am really fucking sorry. I promise it won't happen again."
Kenny nods. "Thank you."
Kevin hops into his truck. Kenny doesn't ask where he's headed. He's not sure he wants to know.
     He watched his truck leave the driveway and head down the road before going back inside. Karen is back in her room, music playing from an old Barbie-themed radio Kenny bought her a few years ago.
Kenny headed to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him and pulling the weed cart from under his mattress. He was stressed after dealing with Kevin and his bullshit. He didn't want to have to think about if Kevin did heroin in the house. He didn't want to think about how he was probably going someplace else to shoot up right now. Kenny didn't want to think about anything. Lucky for him, weed did just the trick.
He took a few, long hits before settling down in bed and opening Roblox to play on his phone. As he took another hit, his door shot open. Kenny was quick to put the cart back in his pocket.
"Hey, Ken. I wanted to play Roblox with you. I saw you were online." Karen said, her small tablet in hand.
Kenny had gotten it for her most recent birthday so that she could draw with it. It was an old used one, but it was what he could afford.
     "Sure. Come here." he patted the bed space next to him.
    She smiled and hopped beside him.
    "You stink." she announced while they joined the same game.
     "How rude." he joked. " I invite you into my room, my bed, and you tell me I stink. preposterous."
     Karen didn't laugh though. She was quiet for a few minutes and Kenny began to worry.
    Then, she spoke.
    "I know you smoke weed."
    "What? Karen, I..." he trailed off, unable to figure out an excuse, and suddenly he felt extremely guilty for trying to lie.
    "I know you've been trying to hide it, Ken, but I live in this fucking house. I know what weed smells like. I know what high looks like." Karen said, her voice dripping with frustration.
     Usually, Kenny would nag her about language but now didn't seem like the time. He didn't know what to say to her.
     "I thought you told me you'd stop because you didn't want to be like mom and dad. That you wouldn't risk being out of it just in case I needed you." Karen mumbles. "We agreed not to lie to each other, Kenny, to tell each other everything."
    Kenny sighed, putting his phone down and sitting up to look at her. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's very irresponsible of me and I have been lying. I'm sorry."
     Karen doesn't look at him. She fidgets with the strings of her hoodie. "Weren't you just yelling at Kevin for his drug use?"
     "Well, yes, but, Karen, we're using two very different things. I know that doesn't make sense but I promise it's not the same. Weed is much, much safer and it's not addictive at all like heroin or alcohol." He assures her.
    "You still lied. You've been lying for a long time too." She looks up at him.
     "I know. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I was being a shitty big brother. I won't lie to you anymore, I pinky swear." He holds up his pinky. She takes it.
     He's glad. At least she's not upset enough to deny a pinky promise.
     Karen looks away from him again. "Um." She hesitates. "Could I... try it?"
     Kenny blinks, unsure that he heard her right. "What?" He exclaims.
     "I don't know." Karen's face flushes with embarrassment. "I wanna know what it's like. It seems like it could maybe be fun I guess."
     Kenny chuckles, not only surprised by her wanting to try it but alsob her boldness.
     He thinks for a moment. "Uh, sure. Why not." While Kenny was still very clearly cautious of the idea, he had started smoking at much younger age than she was. Plus, Karen had been having a really rough time, she deserved to break the rules for a bit.
     Karen smiles.
     "Just this once." Kenny laughs at her excitement. "But, let's get you some water first. You'll need it."

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