16. Poetry Girl

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Eric sits at his desk in the front of math, his head resting on his desk while he scribbles in the margins of his notebook.
"Um excuse me. Is this Mrs. Yellowrod's math class?"
Eric looks up to see a curly-haired girl peeking in through the classroom door.
"Yes." Mrs. Yellowrod answers her.
"I just transferred here from out of state. I went to the wrong class which is why I'm late. I'm sorry." The girl explained.
"That's okay, dear. Go ahead and take a seat."
     The girl turns towards the class to reveal a very freckled and gorgeous face buried in the curls that surround it. She wore a dark blue turtle neck sweater and a long, light blue skirt. Eric watched her as she took her seat, taken aback by how pretty he found her. She glanced at him and he quickly turned away, face red.
     After class had ended, Eric went over to her desk while she gathered her things.
     "Hey. I'm Eric." He introduces himself.
     She looks up at him with the most gorgeous brown eyes he'd ever seen.
     "Hi. I'm Yentl Abrams." She stood, swinging her bag over her shoulder.
     "Uh. Since you're new, I could help you find your next class, if you like." Eric stammers.
     "That would be amazing." Yentl smiles with relief. Eric melts.
     "Um. So, which class do you have, uh, next?" He asks as they exit the classroom
     "Uhhh." Yentl takes a look at the small white paper in her hand. "Oh, lunch apparently."
     "Really? Me too." Eric smiles, walking with her.
     The two stand together in the lunch line, chatting about various things. Eric can't manage to take his eyes off her.
     After they get their lunches, Eric leads her over to his usual table where Kenny and Kyle are already sitting.
     "Guys, this is Yentl." He introduces her. She waves kindly to them.
     Kyle looks up with a confused expression. Kenny waves back. "Hey, I'm Kenny. Are you new?"
     "Yeah, I just moved here from New Jersey." Yentl explains, taking the seat beside Eric.
     "I'm from New Jersey too." Kyle replies. "I'm Kyle, by the way."
     Eric squints at him. Kyle glares back.
     "So why'd you move?" Eric asks before biting into his burger.
     Yentl picks at her salad. "My dad's work. He works a lot, so he hasn't even unpacked his stuff yet. We moved in a week ago." She chuckles.
     "What about your mom, does she work too?" Kyle asks.
     "She, um." Yentl pauses. "She passed a few years ago."
     "Oh. I'm sorry."
     The table goes silent.
      "Well, uh, what do you like to do?" Eric asked, trying to break the awkward silence.
     "I like to write." Yentl says.
     Eric raises his eyebrows. "What do you like to write?"
     Her cheeks blush pink. "Um, I write a lot of poetry."
    Eric doesn't know why he finds that so cute, but he can't help but want to know more.
    "Could I read some?" He asks.
    Yentl seems surprised "You want to?"
     "Yeah! I think poetry's super cool."
     "No you don't, fat-" Kyle starts but Eric kicks his leg, shutting him up.
     "Would you wanna come over after school and read me some? We could, um, watch a movie or something too, if you want." Eric proposes.
      Yentl's cheeks turn a darker pink. "Uh, sure. I'd have to ask my dad first, but yeah."
      "Awesome." Eric grins.
      He notices Kyle staring him down from the corner of his eye. When Yentl looks away, Eric flips him the bird.

     Eric waits outside the school for Yentl. He had told her to meet him by bus pick-up lane. A few minutes later, she arrives.
     "Hey, Eric." She says, brushing a few strands of her dark curly hair out her eyes.
     "Hey! So, what'd you're dad say?"
     "He said yes, but I have to be home for dinner." She tells him.
     "We have to take the bus to my house, is that okay?"
     Yentl nods, turning her head to where the bus is pulling up.

     Once the two get to Eric's house, he flops down on the couch. She sits beside him, adjusting her skirt as she does.
     "My mom shouldn't be home till 8:00, so we have the house to ourselves." Eric explains.
     Yentl nods. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a small notebook.
      She holds it out to him. "This is my poetry book."
     He takes it and skims through the pages. "It's almost full! You write a lot then, huh?"
     Yentl nods. "I don't have a lot going on at my house and since I just moved I don't have any friends to go hang out with, so this helps pass the time."
     "Well you have a friend now and you can come over whenever you want." Eric smiles.
      Yentl blushes and turns her gaze away from him, a small smile on her lips. "Thanks."
     Eric stares at her for a few moments, marveling at her.
     "Um, anyway," he clears his throat, pulling his gaze away from her freckled face. "Go ahead and read away." He passes the notebook back to her.
     Time goes by quickly and soon it's time for Yentl to head home. Eric walks her to the door.
      She steps out but lingers for a moment as if she doesn't want to leave quite yet.
      "Thanks for inviting me over, Eric. I'm glad to have made a friend already."
     He smiles. "Of course."
     She smiles at him before turning and walking back down his driveway. He watches her for a moment before shutting the door.
      "Oh my god." He groans, a hand on his chest. "What the fuck is happening to me?"

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