Emotions | CHAP 11

155 7 6

This a shorter chapter btw

 2 weeks had past since Mingi's 18th birthday party and confessing to Wooyoung about Hongjoong's life. Ever since that night between Hongjoong and Wooyoung found himself craving for Wooyoung's  soft lips and apparently Wooyoung craved Hongjoong's as well. Because Hongjoong and Wooyoung became much touchy with one another. Everyone was curious why. But they both wouldn't tell.

The cravings began to feel like a hunger. It got so bad that Wooyoung was having a bad day or Hongjoong was. Wooyoung would go all the Hongjoong's house late at night just to kiss and cuddle each other. Turns out both of their mom's were alcoholics, But Wooyoung's mom only drinked at night to destress from work so hence they got didn't caught.

Wooyoung loved kissing Hongjoong, It was addictive, now Hongjoong having a few good weeks of solid kissing had gotten better at kissing, even throwing a bit of tongue in there now. Wooyoung loved it, He loved his sweet Hongjoong was improving which made the craving worse. 

It was 1am and Wooyoung and Hongjoong just practically got done making out. Wooyoung but his hand on Hongjoong's chest just feel how Hongjoong's heart was still racing. It's Wooyoung's favorite time with Hongjoong. Cuddling at forsaken hours. However, something was on Wooyoung's mind. 

"Hongjoong" Hongjoong looked down " "Hm?" "Is it true you've had a crush on my boyfriend and that's why you avoided us all those weeks ago?" Hongjoong sighed "Yes... " To Hongjoong surprise Wooyoung started to giggle about it..

"San told me... and we've both had the fattest crush on you.. don't get me wrong i love sneaking to your house, But it's not fair i get do all of this with you and Not San, so that leads me to another question. "

Hongjoong felt nervous now, so he swiftly readjusted himself, "What is it?" Hongjoong could feel Wooyoung getting  nervous too, "H-how do you feel about poly relationships?" Hongjoong gulped, he never thought about them, but he didn't about what other people did. "I- uh- don't mind them? why?" he asked curiously.

He could saw Wooyoung get blushy. "So um- me and San have thinking about asking you on a date.. Just the three of us are you interested?" Hongjoong was confused thinking he meant a double date thing, "Wooyoung, I'm not dating anyone, how could i go on a date with yall? i would be third wheeling.."

Wooyoung got up and face Hongjoong "No i mean.. like" he sighed. "I mean like making you our new boyfriend? Me and San fell in love with you the first day we meet you... we can just try it yknow?"

Hongjoong got butterflies in his stomach, last night when he was texting Wooyoung, Hongjoong had accepted he had feelings for Wooyoung too, so the fact both of his crushes liked him was just the most utterly insane concept ever. Hongjoong took a deep breath in.

"Only if you something you both want" Hongjoong said. Wooyoung looked at him oddly "I just asked you out, of course it's something we want? wait- have you ever been asked out hyung?" 

Hongjoong felt flustered, "N-no, did i say something wrong?" Wooyoung smiled " of course not,  your so cute... Tho it's hard to believe no has asked out your handsome face"


It was 2:00 pm, Hongjoong and Wooyoung along with Mingi were planning the theatre production for the school year, the school had a awarding theatre program, They hired a new theatre teacher, Mr Robert, he was a American, However he was married to a Korean women so he moved here, apparently he worked up in New York.

Mr Robert assigned Hongjoong as lead production designer, after talking to him and Hongjoong successfully getting into theatre club, Wooyoung and Mingi were trying to pick out which play they were going to start the production for, Mr Robert was only there to the manage theatre and acting auditions, The rest of the work the students did.

Wooyoung after going through theatre books  he found one that caught his interest, "Hyung, How do we feel about The importance of Being Earnest?  A Trivial Comedy for Serious People is a play by Oscar Wilde?"

Mingi looked up, "Oh my sister loves Oscar Wilde! that sounds interesting! Hongjoong hyung, how do you feel about that?"

Hongjoong nodded "I'm familiar with the art of Oscar Wilde, I'm sure i can make something happen"

Wooyoung smiled, theatre was his coping mechanism for the world, He could play a character that wasn't himself, he could just let go, let someone imaginary take over his body, Awhile he seals his emotions behind a charismatic personality that wasn't his.

After talking about when the production would start and ideas for production, they finally had a plan. Mingi offered to walk them to their next classes, but interrupted By Yeosang "G-GUYS IT'S J-JONGHO H-HURRY!"

They all got up and hurried after Yeosang, There was huge crowd in the school lounge, Seonghwa and Jongho were yelling at each other "YOUR GOING TO ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE AS NEW TRACK AND FLEID CAPTAIN! Jongho screamed, his voice so loud. "I- i- tried get Jongho away but he wouldn't drop it I- I" Hongjoong looked at Yeosang who was clearly stressed about Jongho. They all pushed to see it in front of their eyes.

"WHO SAYS I HAVE TOO? WHY WOULD I EVER GIVE MY POSITION TO YOU?!" Jongho now got face to face each other "Because I'M BETTER!" Jongho finally screamed last and bumped into Seonghwa, he was tired of fighting Jongho and finally wanted to put that bitch in his place.

They've always battled heads over this and Seonghwa had always had higher scores. "But who always got it?" Seonghwa said tauntly. Jongho stopped coldly, Hongjoong could see Jongho hands turn into fists. He gulped, Hongjoong always had the feeling Jongho had anger issues. He just seemed to born with this fire of disgust and dislike. 

San pushed through the crowd and grabbed Jongho, San who was the only person that handle Jongho's strength and anger,  "Come on Jongho." He said demandly. Jongho simply nodded. 

 Wooyoung, Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong followed after Jongho and San. All of them went into the bathroom. Jongho punched the nearest bathroom stall "I hate FUCKING HATE HIM!" he yelled. 

Yeosang started to rub Jongho's back awhile San tried to calm him down by doing  breathing exercises with Jongho, San hated seeing Jongho like this, Full of such passionate emotion that tended to overspill. And San understoond that.

Jongho started crying out of frustration, "he makes me feel so weak... I train and train just for him to announce him as captain. Every. Fucking. year. I'm going to fucking win till my dying breath if i have too.."

The air tensed and everyone felt a change. Like something bigger is coming...A storm was coming.
HELLO! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D thank you for all the support, i hope all of you are having a good day!

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