Curiosity | CHAP 12

154 7 8

Very brief sexual themes

"Seonghwa.. you can't keep doing this.." Yunho said upset, As Seonghwa lit another cigarette  Seonghwa hadn't been taking care of himself, he hadn't been his medications nor going to therapy. 

"Why do you care so much about me?! what i do with my life?! im fine" Seonghwa said snappy puffing in the cigarette. Yunho hated when Seonghwa got snappy with him.

"Because, your my best friend Seonghwa, I know you're trying to get rid of me because i help you with all your problems, But you deserve to be happier."

Seonghwa rolled his eyes he hated how much patience Yunho had with him, no matter how hard Seonghwa tried to push Yunho away, he never moved. And Seonghwa wasn't used to it he rubbed his cigarette into the ground. "I'm going to take a walk.. I'll see you later Yunho, get home safe." 

Seonghwa left his house, Yunho didn't try to stop him. Seonghwa loved walking at night. it was quiet, No one could bother him. He was just free. However he wasn't free from one thing

 that the boy that he fucking hated, Kim Hongjoong. Seonghwa caught himself loving his beauty, he always being so fucking happy and Seonghwa was jealous of that. Because didn't want everyone to share the beauty that was Kim Hongjoong's  eternal  happiness 

At Mingi's party. Seonghwa kept his eyes on Hongjoong all night. Untill, he got drunk and found Jongho to be cutest person ever other than Hongjoong, and ate Jongho up. quite literally. Seonghwa took Jongho's virginity that night. Which even tho completely consensual, He felt bad about it. Jongho didn't deserve to be loved by such a monster that was Seonghwa. 

Once he made Jongho cum, Seonghwa left, Jongho barely remembers what happened and Seonghwa preferred it that way. Seonghwa felt calmer already in Seoul's night wind. Till something interesting caught his gaze. 

"Wooyoung?" He whispered. He saw the boy walking down the street, It was 11 pm, what the hell was he doing? Wooyoung was the only person he could stand around Hongjoong, Everyone and their mothers, it felt like anyway, knew Seoul's biggest theatre geek.

Seonghwa couldn't help feel curious, this was probably a bad choice, but Seonghwa didn't care, He had a feeling Wooyoung was going somewhere special, very special, Seonghwa could feel it in his heart.

Wooyoung didn't notice Seonghwa in the distance and was on his way to Hongjoong's house, Hongjoong's mom went out for the night, and his sweet baby Hongjoong had a phobia of the dark and really wanted to be cuddled and kissed tonight. 

Wooyoung hadn't been at Hongjoong's house in a few days, due to him and San preparing for their date with Hongjoong this up-coming weekend. They went cloth shopping and everything.
Hongjoong sounded like a whiny puppy when he finally mustered up the courage to call Wooyoung over, and Wooyoung was going to invite San but San had to work tonight.

San told what happened between him and Hongjoong at Mingi's party, which made Wooyoung wonder if Hongjoong had gotten turned on when they were kissing, Wooyoung has definitely has, He always had to fight the desire to take it to the next step,  Knowing Hongjoong and him weren't ready for that. 

Seonghwa quietly walked behind Wooyoung, far enough behind where Wooyoung couldn't hear him, But far enough where Seonghwa could still see him, He noticed Wooyoung was lost in his thoughts when Wooyoung slowed his walking. 

The sidewalk they were walking was dimly lit by the night street lights, Wooyoung loved this vibe. however he felt as something was watching him. So, he stopped for a second and looked around and saw nothing.

Seonghwa freezed. When he said Wooyoung moving forward. He became even more careful.

Wooyoung finally got to Hongjoong's house, it was 20 minute walk. But it was all worth it once he saw Hongjoong's pretty face, "Hongjoong~~ Im here!" he said out loud awhile knocking on the door.

Seonghwa smiled, this was Hongjoong's house, it wasn't that bad-looking, He freezed when saw Hongjoong, in his blue pajamas, looking very anxious.

"Wooyoung, what took you so l-long? i thought you got kidnapped or something! i made dinner for us by the way."  Wooyoung smiled, he loved how Hongjoong was worried about him, tho, he wasn't going to tell him that he felt he was being followed by something or someone. 

Seonghwa shouldve left once he saw Wooyoung go in, But he just couldn't. He felt bad about stalking and following, but his heart raced for Hongjoong and he hated it. Because he knew Hongjoong could never be his.

Seonghwa stayed for a 2 hours. Nothing seemed to happen Seonghwa found a spot far away where could see into Hongjoong's room through his window, Him and Wooyoung were just watching a movie. 

Hongjoong and Wooyoung were planning to go to bed which meant kissing till they fell asleep, or till his anxiety died. Hongjoong began to lock the house and turn off the lights. He went to close his window when he freezed. 

He squinted his eyes. It look like there was a figure out there. The figured move closer to the street light. And Hongjoong heart began to race when he swore those the infamous cold eyes that belonged to Seonghwa. 

"S-seonghwa?" he muttered. Wooyoung look at Hongjoong from the bed and got up and got beside Hongjoong staring out the window "Hyung? what are you doing?-" Hongjoong pulled Wooyoung "L-look i think thats S-seonghwa."

Wooyoung looked out the window and saw nothing. "Hyung, There's nothing there?" he turned to face Hongjoong. Hongjoong looked out the window again and saw there was no figured there anymore maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. 

"Maybe it's just my anxiety of the dark causing me to freak out more" Wooyoung smiled "Come on let's get rid of that anxiety shall we?" Hongjoong nodded closing the window finally and the curtain.

Seonghwa smiled, he knew Hongjoong saw him, Seonghwa had to feeling it was okay to go home now. So he did. 

It was 6am and Jongho was running his morning run, listening to Metallica, For Whom The Bells Trolls  he loved the thrill that was heavy american metal, when he went to U.S in 8th grade during summer break, His uncle took him to a Metallica concert and it changed his life. 

The heavy guitar riffs made his heart race, he wanted to deprive Seonghwa's crown that was placed upon his head every year that he was announced captain, Jongho loved to run, it made him feel alive, he wasn't good at first, but he tried and started out-running everyone that made of him, for being overweight in Track.

His body was toned now and worked out to get heal his inner child that wanted nothing else in the world but to be skinny, In fact, that's how he meet San and Mingi through the gym, He'll never forget his 8th grade year where finally started to hit puberty and make friends. 

But despite getting taller, healthier, he still had this burning rage in him. He wanted to outdo everyone that questioned his worth and abilities, and he did, except fucking Park Seonghwa. 

He stopped when his phone started to ring when his sweet grandmother called him, He lived with his grandparents and his parents, "Jong-ah you forgot your lunch!" Her sweet voice said.

His grandmother loved her only grandchild, and pampered him with love despite everything. And even sew his clothes when he was younger because they couldn't find clothes his size.

"Grandma don't worry, I'll just eat lunch at school then" He said panting "Are you sure? i can drop it off?"  Jongho smiled "It's okay grandma, now i have to go grandma i love you" "I love you, have a good day!" His grandma said. 

You think he would've worked so damn for his parents, but it was his grandmother he fought for, But his grandmother hasn't never missed a race and always cheered for Jongho, Even having a cute shirt saying "Jongho's #1 fan" and she wore it so proudly. Don't him wrong, He loved his parents and they loved him, But they were always busy with their jobs.

Jongho meet up all his friends, San, Wooyoung, Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong. Yeosang looked beautiful today. In fact today was a special day. Today Jongho was going to ask out Yeosang to the school's Annual Fall Dance. 

Tho despite being a 2 months away. It was a big deal, It was one of the biggest school events, The whole school being colorful in the autumn colors, And everyone need to give the school who they were going with, so the school could pre-order everything. 

Mingi pulled Jongho aside "So what are you going to do it?" Jongho sighed getting nervous, he wrote a note asking Yeosang "Do i just give it to him? likr- gosh im a wreck" Mingi smiled "Yknow if i was you i would put it in his locker, that's what i did with Yunho."

Jongho nodded that's a great idea. Plus he knew that Yeosang always changed into P.E shoes when it was his P.E  Period, so he would see it. Jongho slowly moved away from his group of friends and found Yeosang locker and put it on his shoes.

Yeosang was tired, P.E being his last period sucked, He was having a bad day after falling his chemistry test despite studying the whole night. He sighed. 

Then his eyes lit up he saw a pretty purple note, Purple being his favorite color, He picked up with curiosity. As he read it his eyes lit up and he shrieked. His smile ear-to-ear.  He couldn't believe that Jongho asked him out. Fuck P.E, He went go find his new boyfriend, Well, not yet. But Yeosang planned that marry that man once he found him. 

I hate this chapter oml, BUT i wanted to a cute chapter before the start of the storm starts. Next chapter is not going to be easy. DOUBLE  UPDATE THO :D

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