2|| 1939

27 2 3

Daisy hummed as she landed the plane. "You think he's still here?" she asked her father.

Phil rested his hands on her shoulders reassuringly. "It's been a few years, but unless he moved out of state for university, he probably hasn't left." He smiled at his daughter. "Don't worry. We have a week here. We have time to find him. And we will. I promise."

Daisy had cried for hours after leaving 1935 and getting to 1746, and she didn't even notice that they left 1746 for 2097. Eventually, she began to notice her surroundings again.

But it was years before they got to a time close enough to Daniel's.

"I'll see you later, Dad," Daisy said softly, giving him a hug. "Text me if anything goes wrong, okay?"

"Okay," Phil replied. He squeezed the girl a little harder. "Be back before midnight."

Daisy nodded and left for town, retracing her and Daniel's steps to the ice cream shop. She bit her lip, checking her reflection as she fixed her hair. She hoped that he'd recognize her. She'd grown a little.

She let out a breath and shook herself, fidgeting with the locket at her throat. Daisy went inside.

Immediately, the shopkeeper's eyes found her and lit up.

"Daisy!" he greeted cheerfully. "Back in town at last. Is Sousa with you?"

Her eyes widened. "Is he not here?" Daisy asked, taking a seat at the counter. "He still lives here, right?"

The shopkeeper winked. "So this is a secret visit, then, eh?" He served her a small cookies and cream cup against her protests. "He still lives here. With his mother. He's saving up for his own apartment. Very responsible boy. Still hung up on ya." He wiped down his side of the counter. "So what brings you into town?"

Daisy couldn't hide her smile as her heart collapsed in relief. "Just noticed the road that leads here and decided to take it again," she said airily. "Nothing special. I wanted to see Daniel again."

"After meeting him for one day, almost four years ago?" The shopkeeper chuckled. "I guess he did a number on you too, then."

"Yeah," Daisy said quietly, smiling. "I guess he did."

She chatted idly with the shopkeeper as she finished her ice cream and thanked him for the free treat again. "You wouldn't happen to know where he lives, do you?" Daisy asked hesitantly.

"It's a small town, Daisy," the shopkeeper said warmly. "Everyone knows everything. He lives on Johnson Street. 1988. You need directions?"

"I think I can manage," Daisy replied. Her heart thudded as she thought about seeing Daniel again. "Thank you, though. Thank you so much."

The shopkeeper tipped his hat to her as she left. "I'm always happy to help a couple of lovebirds!"

Daisy smiled to herself as she walked towards the street sign that said Johnson, picking her way to the house at the end of the lane. 1988 Johnson Street. She held her breath as she knocked on the door.

A few moments later, it opened to see a woman around her father's age.

Maybe his mother?

The woman looked at Daisy expectantly and the girl introduced herself.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Daisy, I'm looking for-"

"- Daniel." The woman smiled warmly and shook Daisy's hand. "You must be the Daisy he pined after for the past four years. Come on in. He's just at school. He'll be back in a bit."

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