5|| 1946

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Daisy walked into the building, greeting everyone with a smile as she held onto her lunches. She slid into the office and raised the paper bag towards Peggy.

Thompson stopped in her way. "Is that our lunch?" he asked.

"Nope." Daisy cheerfully stepped around him. "Don't worry. You won't like it." She sat down at Peggy's desk and handed her friend her sandwich. "Don't you have an important meeting to go to?"

Thompson frowned and went inside. She watched him say a few words to Daniel, who threw some apparently scathing ones back.

Daisy hummed in the back of her throat, turning to Peggy. "So, what'd I miss?"

The agent waved her hand around, chewing. "I got called to make coffee twice. Talked back. Same old." Peggy covered her mouth as she swallowed her bite. "Always on the precipice of being sacked, it seems."

Daisy kept her eyes on the file on Peggy's desk. "Whatcha working on?"

"Ah." She slid the papers over. "The ever lovely, chief-assigned paperwork." Peggy rolled her eyes. "For cases I'm not even on."

Daisy smiled sympathetically. "If you're ever up to it, you can let out your frustrations with me over some drinks." Her smile turned into a grin. "Or a match in the ring."

Peggy raised her eyebrows in suppressed delight. "You fight?" she asked.

"I can handle myself against modern weapons," Daisy said lightly. Of course, her modern weapons were a little quicker than Peggy's concept of modern weapons, but they haven't changed drastically. "My parents trained me."

Peggy nodded. "My brother," she explained. "He recommended me for this job. I wouldn't be here without him." She tilted her head. "I don't believe I've heard your story on how you came to be with the Reserve."

Daisy huffed a quiet laugh. "It was Daniel, mostly," she replied. "He found out I had experience in fighting. It's not like any of my training's being used at all, but..." she glanced back at him. "It's fun."

The two of them had kept their relationship a secret to their colleagues. Only the Chief knew, and with the ring on Daniel's finger, they just assumed he was married. Daisy, as well, though they never thought the two of them would be together.

"What of your husband, then?" Peggy had figured it out the moment Daisy started talking with her on her first day but wanted Daisy to say it herself. "What does he think of all this?"

"He loves it," Daisy said smoothly. "He watches me practice my stances and he looks at me like I hung the moon. It's very ego-boosting, to say the least."

Peggy sighed. "I wish I could..." she faltered. "Daisy, do you know about Captain Rogers?"

Daisy raised an eyebrow. "Everyone's heard about the people's hero," she said. "Steve Rogers. I heard he was some kind of a saint."

Peggy chuckled. "Sometimes. Other times, he was a pain in my side. He looked at me like I hung the entire galaxy and he saw me." She stared at Daisy. "He really saw me. I loved him. Hated him for a moment, when he crashed into the ocean, but I understood." Peggy threw her papers across her desk and stood up. "I don't suppose I can take your offer for a spar right now? We have our lunch breaks, and it's evident we aren't needed here."

Daisy checked her watch. "Of course. I'll leave a note and we can get going."

They walked a few blocks to Daniel and Daisy's apartment, and Daisy stopped at the floor below. She unlocked the door and let Peggy in.

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