9|| 2020/2021

8 1 0

Daniel woke up to his head on his wife's lap as she hummed quietly, playing with his curls to pass the time. He let out a breath when he reached out for her hand and received it.

"Morning, dork," Daisy whispered warmly. "You slept like a brick."

"Did I?" Daniel yawned, looking up at her. "Must've been tired."

He'd stayed up all night looking at baby things online. He'd read through more than a hundred of those 'mommy blogs', as Daisy liked to call them. He'd secretly bought a ridiculous amount of adorable baby clothes for their unborn daughter when his wife fell asleep, grateful that Fitz taught him what a debit card was and how to use it online.

They found out that they were having a girl a few days ago. Daniel was consistently amazed at the technology that the 21st century had for this sort of thing, since, as he later found out, ultrasound technology wasn't developed until the late 50s. Over the past few months, he'd become sort of a researcher on all things baby-related. He had a lot of catching up to do, still, but he thought he was making good headway.

"You're staring again," Daisy remarked amusedly as he looked up at her. "What's on my face this time?"

Daniel rolled over to sit up a little, kissing her forehead. He pulled back, still staring at her. "Your beautiful smile and eyes and the rest of your face," he said, earning him a laugh.

He put his hand on the tiny bump on her stomach, eyes still locked onto hers.

Daisy rolled her eyes at his brazen display and sighed. "Simmons said I should be showing more," she told him as she got up. "Mom says it's fine."

Daniel hummed a little in the back of his throat. "You're only four months along," he said quietly, following her out of bed. "We can go check again today if you're nervous."

His wife pursed her lips, shaking her head as she changed into her work clothes. "It's fine," she said, offering him a smile. "I have a busy day anyway. I have like, five briefings to do, training and lunch with Mom, paperwork, and a meeting with the Board, so I have no free time to hop down to medical anyways." Daisy reached over to smooth her hands over his stubble, trying to convince him she was okay. "I'll be fine. I'll just wait until the weekly to check out what's happening."

Daniel frowned. "Are you sure? We can go tomorrow, or..." he trailed off, seeing the look that she was giving him. "Okay."

Daisy kissed him softly before heading out, and he stood there in their room for a moment before sighing and taking up to the dishes from last night. They had gotten so preoccupied with their online shopping.

He hummed as he scrubbed, thinking of what life would be like after they had this baby. Daisy would take a few months off as they'd discussed. Maybe even a few years depending on how long they wanted to leave the agency. They were overseeing their house's renovation a few miles north of the base, which was nothing more than a restoration of a few structural walls and a shine up for their floors and windows. As per their wishes with Peggy, everything had been kept meticulously clean, down to the perfectly preserved wallpaper in the nursery with its pink carnation print.

Daniel finished the dishes and went on to do the laundry, now occupied with the subject of names. They hadn't picked them out yet, but they knew that it needed to do something with their mothers. He'd suggested Mary as their daughter's middle name.


This was really happening. They were having a daughter. He was really having a kid with the woman he'd been in love with for half of his life, sixteen years later.

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