10|| Epilogue

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Parenthood was not exciting. It was more... anxiety-inducing. And very tiring.

Having a newborn in their apartment was bad for their ears. They were up at all hours as they balanced Maisie and cleaning up after her, taking care of themselves, and keeping the house clean enough to walk around in safely.

Daisy was still healing from the whole childbirth thing, and while she insisted she was fine, Daniel knew she still felt pain, which was perfectly fine, as she had just pushed a baby out of her. He just wished that she would rest.

He draped Maisie over his shoulder when he finally got Daisy to sit down and the both of them to eventually fall asleep with some singing. Two birds with one stone.

Daniel was very satisfied with himself.

Despite their exhaustion, the new parents soldiered through the first few weeks alright. Daisy was almost back to 100% by the end of the month. Daniel finally got the hang of putting Maisie on the crook of the guitar while he played. All was well.


Once they hit the one month mark, Daisy told Daniel he could go back to work. He went very reluctantly, at her orders to get out of the house, but he never strayed far from their floor.

Daisy was alone at last. With her baby. That she made.

Maisie fussed in her sling as the new mother kept a hand cradling her head, the other cooking lunch for herself. Then she vacuumed and mopped the apartment. Then did the laundry. Then got to work with some light assignments that Mack gave her to pass the time. Then she fed Maisie. And took a nap. Then they did tummy time. Then she started dinner.

Daisy thought the day went by very quickly.

Daniel came home the second he was off, right at 5:30 pm, key scraping in the lock as the minute hand passed '59'.

He kissed his wife and daughter hello, talking about his whole day, and Daisy wanted to tell him about hers, but there wasn't much to tell.

They got ready for bed and still, Daisy hadn't said much the whole day.

"You okay, love?" Daniel asked her as they slipped under the covers. "You've been..."

"I'm just tired," Daisy lied. Well, she was tired, but she just didn't have much to say about her day. Not like he did. His day was exciting. He got to assist in some mission about heists and fixing the world and she was at home with the baby that she made.

She loved Maisie a lot. But...

"I'm gonna stay home tomorrow," Daniel said, stretching out on their bed with a book. "I'll take Mais. You can stay home with me, but May told me that she has a mission she wants you to take command of. A small one." He glanced up at her with a smile. "I know you can get stir crazy. And I wanna have a day with our lovely adorable daughter too."

Daisy's heart melted as she leaned down to kiss him softly. He knew her so well. "Thank you," she whispered, nestling in the crook of his arm. She entwined their fingers as his hand rested on her stomach. It felt natural there now, after so many months of him doing the same thing during her pregnancy. "I love you, Daniel."

"Love you too." He leaned his head on her shoulder as he continued to read. "Mmm. You smell nice."

Daisy laughed a little. "Thank you."

"Like apples." Daniel closed his eyes and put his book down, turning the lights off and pulling them under the cover, stifling a laugh. "Mmm."

Daisy kissed his neck. "You smell exactly the same as me. We use the same soap. Everyone on this base uses the same soap."

"It's better on you."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, dork. Have it your way." She pressed her lips against his. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, love," her husband said. "Night, Maisie."

They turned the light off.

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