8|| 1951/2020

14 2 0

Daniel walked into the kitchen to hear his wife singing along quietly to the song playing on the record player as she made a sandwich.

His heart fluttered when her face lit up as she saw him.

Daisy padded over and pulled him in by the waist, swaying gently in the dim light of morning. Her cheek rested on his chest as she continued singing.

"So kiss me once and kiss me twice and kiss me once again,

It's been a long, long, time..."

Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Is this a request?"

Daisy nodded sweetly and he leaned down to kiss her, soft.

"Once," he murmured, kissing her again. "Twice..."

She pulled his head in and finished the deal herself. "... And once again, Dan," Daisy whispered. Her arm was still slung around his waist as she went back to making the sandwich. "This is your lunch. We're going to investigate some shady characters in Queens. We should get packing, hmm?"

Daniel smiled and turned away to open the refrigerator.


He dropped to the floor and met Daisy's eyes of panic that quickly turned to cool calculation. It was actually kind of... Daniel dismissed the thought. He shouldn't be thinking about sex when they were being attacked.

"Sniper, west windows," Daisy said quietly. "I'll go under the sill. You go behind the counter."

He followed his orders and sat with his back to the counter. "What's the plan?"

Daisy let out a breath. "Investigate, I suppose." She met him behind the counter as she crawled, pressed flat against the floor. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Daniel flicked his eyes over his wife. "You?"

Daisy lifted the arm that she had previously kept out of his line of sight. "Just a graze," she said lightly. "I'll be fine."

Her arm was bloody and her sleeve was shredded. 'Just a graze', huh? Daniel felt his heart twist painfully, but he soldiered on. "Do you think they have the house surrounded?"

"If they're smart, yeah." Daisy pulled out what she told him was a 'mobile phone' and the soft glow of it lit up her injured arm. For some reason, maybe adrenaline, she had no reaction to getting shot. She wasn't a field agent in the future; Daniel knew that much. Daisy put her phone back in her pocket. "I checked the perimeter cameras. It doesn't seem like anyone's there. I caught a car driving away."

Before he could say anything, Daisy stood up and checked the windows, running to the other side of the house to look everywhere else.

"Daisy!" he hissed, trying in vain to follow her. "Be careful!"

"I'll be fine," she retorted, opening a window. "I can handle myself."

Daniel scoffed. "You're the one who got shot."

"Watch yourself." Daisy closed the window with a sort of finality, her cold, calculating stare turning on him. "I'm supposed to be protecting you. If getting shot means you being safe, then getting shot is nothing. I can handle it."

Her husband reached out towards her but all she did was hand him his cane.

"Get back upstairs, sweetheart," she said quietly. "Get changed. We're flying out in ten."

Daniel sensed her frustration and did as she asked. He didn't want to be difficult, especially when she was trying hard to protect the both of them.

After getting ready, Daniel climbed the last few steps to the roof where the plane was. Thankfully, none of their neighbours were awake as they flew up and out to the New York headquarters. Daisy had called Peggy ahead to let her know that they were coming.

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