Chapter 8 : Injection

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How can he order me? I don't want to go with him. His gaze is always fixed on me for no reason. Please someone help me ! "aaaaa" I screamed to myself and sat on the bed. No options, I have to go with him.

What should I pack? Where are we going? It will be cold or hot !? I guess it would be hot because he is coming with me! Oh god, can't my mind just stop thinking much? I should ask him.

I went to his office room. He must be there. I slowly opened the door. The sight of him looks dangerous. He seemed to be in an angry mood, he was on a call and had some papers in his hand. "I need this to be done on time, understood !!" he shouted at the phone call making me shiver. Mumma, I am scared. If he shouted at me like this, I would surely cry in front of me. No, I don't want it. I will ask later.

I was closing the door back slowly. "Who's there!?" he called out in a high tone and I stopped there. I am literally shaking. I heard footsteps coming nearer. I closed my eyes not to see his angry face. I am ready to hear his scoldings. "It's you" he said in a soft tone and sighed. I opened my eyes only to see his angry face becoming a sweet one. "What you want ?" he asked. "I wanted to know th-the place we are going tomorrow, to pack suitable clothes" I looked at him and looked down. "It would be sunny and don't worry pack whatever you want, if anything isn't there I would provide you. I will be there with you" he said the lines making me look at him. Never in my life has someone told this to me.

He would take care of me! I kept looking at him lost in my own thoughts. I felt a cold hand touching my cheek. I realised it was his !!! He touched my cheek with his back palm as if he was checking my temperature. "You had your medicines ?" He asked making a frown face. I just nodded no. Please someone ask him to remove his hand from my cheek. I am burning inside, oh god. His eyes are enough for me but now he is touching me! I felt touched. It was cold making a shiver run through my body.

He removed his hand and called someone. "Come" he asked me and caught my arm. "Where?" I just asked him in a bit louder tone. Oops, my mouth. "To the hospital" huh what!? Why hospital again? "B-but why ?" I asked and he replied "You are sweating and shivering" Oh how should I explain to him, it's not because of my health, it's because of you Mr. Your touch! "Hey, please no need to go again th-there. I don't like hospitals" I mustered the courage and spoke out.

He stopped and gave a glimpse to me raising his eyebrows. Please stop that! "Fine, come" he replied. Come where now? Didn't he understand that I don't like hospitals? Yes, I am a medical student but I don't like being a patient there. He was still holding my arm taking me somewhere. But he didn't take me out, he took me in a room. It was a simple resting room probably. He made me sit on the couch and he sat on it.

He was typing on the phone while I looked around. How many rooms does this mansion contain and why did he buy me here? 10 minutes passed and still we were in silence. He was busy on his phone. Finally, he kept his phone and stood up. He went out. What is he doing?

Minutes passed, and I was still sitting ideally when he came back. I stood up but he was not alone. He-he bought a doctor's home !? Seriously, I refused to go to the hospital and he bought a doctor here! "She will take check you, sit down," he said to me. I followed his words. "But I am fine," I said to him and he just nodded. Ah!!

The doctor checked me. "I will just give a dose of injection and she will be fine," she said. What! Injection no please, I hate it. My face was tensed. He was standing behind me. I turned to him requesting "I am fine" and he replied "Yeah, I know you are fine" I said back again "So there is no need for injection please" he raised his eyebrows and asked, "You are scared of injection ?" I don't know but my eyes went teary. "No," I said slowly and turned front.

The doctor made the dose ready, no please I was so controlling my tears. She took my hand. My hand was shivering but only when I realised that he was sitting beside me. He covered my eyes with his one palm and his other palm was holding my hand. I pulled me to his chest back. My back head was resting on his chest. I felt his cold hand on my eyes and hand. I tightened the grip of my hand on his hand. My nails were scratching his hand as I felt the pin of injection inside my body. "Done," the doctor said.

Soon he removed his hand from my eyes

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Soon he removed his hand from my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes and checked where the injection was placed. He stood up. I didn't realise but I was still holding his hand. I looked at our hands and I quickly removed my hand. "Take rest and wipe your tears," He said giving me a handkerchief. I took it saying "Thank you" and he hummed.

His pov:

I called a doctor home since she hates hospitals. I made her sit in the room and waited for the doctor. She was looking here and there. How more cute can she act !?

After some minutes I went out to pick up the doctor. When I came back, she stood up smiling a bit at me but when she saw the doctor behind, her smile faded. Later the doctor asked for an injection and she seemed upset. "You are scared of injection" I asked to confirm her but only when I noticed her eyes becoming teary. Fuck! Stop I am not a man who will bear a girl crying in front of me, of course, I don't like when someone cries in front of me, especially a GIRL! She replied "No" and turned back. I understood that for sure she was scared.

She was holding back her tears. I quickly sat behind her and covered her eyes with one of my hands so the view of injection was not visible to her. My other hand went to hold her hand. I made her back head rest on my chest by pulling her closer. When the injection was placed, her grip of hand tightened on my hand. Oh man! I felt the temperature difference then and now. However, I controlled myself. The injection was finally done. I slowly removed my hands and sighed. I loosed my tie a bit cause it was hot probably, the temperature of the room of course.

I looked at her. She was checking the point of her hand where the injection was placed with a small pout on her face. Oh please stop that fucking pout now !! And that tears on her checks all spread, No way. Please someone ask her not to be so cute or else I will lose control before our marriage itself. I gave her my handkerchief to wipe her tears and I walked away from the room as I couldn't handle myself. How will I handle it on our vacation !!?


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