chapter six

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i may or may not have gone overboard near the end and forced myself to stop writing 

The drive to the Khan Haveli was smooth and blissful, Murtasim caught a happy Meerab from the of his eye from time to time. In the rush wedding preparations Ma Begum had suggested for the engagement ceremony to be held in the Khan Haveli the same evening, agreeing with this little suggestion from a certain someone who kept bugging her through his eyes. Nonetheless, the Khan Haveli was a perfect destination for a small immediate ceremony with only close friends and family to accompany them during this milestone.

Upon their arrival, Ma Begum and Maryam had been gushing around the Haveli trying to finish all the preparations and decorations in time for the evening. Through the rush, a breathy Maryam's eye caught a glimpse of one of her best friends, a squeal excaped from her in joy as she rushed towards Meerab embracing her a warm hug.

A giggle escaped Meerab as she hugged Maryam back, just as tight. The two had known each other since they were in nappies, they had experienced every moment of their life with each other's presence and now Meerab had upscaled their relationship. To be fair, Maryam had always hinted to her brother how great of a wife Meerab would make, but it was the poor Murtasim who was drowned in the responsibilities to have ever taken the time to realize.

Maryam pulled back from the hug, and stood in front of her brother and bhabhi to be, admiring the two as she witnessed her dreams becoming a reality.

"Nazar na lag jaye", a whisper left her lips as she folded her hands to her temple. And with that she scrambled away resuming the preparations.

A little snicker left Murtasim, his sister had always been a fan of those Indian Soap Operas. From the time they turned into teenagers, everytime Murtasim would walk past Maryam's room she was always lost in a scene from 'Iss Pyaar Ko Naam Doon?', in his eyes she really was a hopeless romantic. He heard a lot from her about Meerab, a constant Meerab this Meerab that. He wondered if he had actually listened before, would things be different now? Would he and Meerab have gotten to know each other before? Would they have been married by now?


In the midst of the evening, a bustling night was beheld before Murtasim and Meerab, endorned in their chosen outfits for the night were seated on a beautifully crafted sofa in the middle of the yard in the Haveli surrounded by their friends and family. It was finally the time they had been desperately waiting for, and here they were. Ma Begum appeared behind Murtasim, putting forward the ring bearer cushion towards him.

Murtasim slowly picked up the ring, a little too slow for Meerab's liking actually. It was almost as if he was teasing her while she had already shamelessly placed her hand out. The corners of his mouth curved at the sight of the small glare that Meerab was sending his way, he let out a huff as he finally grabbed the palm of her left hand, giving it a little squeeze while circling his thumb over hers. Meerab's ring finger now held a classic 18k yellow gold solitaire band with a hidden diamond halo basket elevating the oval diamond on top of it. Her face expressed awe at his choice, how was he so good at this? Did he have experience? Her thoughts began to fumble, deep in her heart somewhere, a little sorrow had formed, although really she had no time to stray in her thoughts as she was just about to put on the ring she had chosen for Murtasim. The gold band was enlaced with small diamonds around it, complementing Murtasim's long slender fingers so perfectly, as she was about to pull back her hand, Murtasim's caught hers right in time, entwining them together. Their hands looked so impeccable and the rings added a bonus. Meerab's eyes widened at his sudden act, she scooted over closer to him, "Murtasim!", she hissed. "Not in front of everyone!" She felt blood rush to her cheeks as many of the aunties there began giving each other looks.

"Mangetar ho meri, haq hai mera", he shot back at her, and she slowly sank into the sofa.

His already softened eyes slowly disappeared into his smile wrinkling the skin around them. To the world she was the ideal Khanni for the Khans but to him she was just so beautiful, so graceful, so elegant, so intelligent, but most importantly she was the person who he'd spent the rest of his days with happily.

These feelings weren't intricate, yet seemed so but at the same time gave him peace and tranquility he longed for in his demanding lifestyle. Her presence was a reward, irresistible and worth fighting for. He watched endearingly as she engrossed herself in a conversation, her giggles filling his ears, each time she would move her shoulders would brush against his and her little hands would tighten their grip subconsciously.


Their night was coming to an end with their engagement photoshoot, a little form of a memoir for this special occasion alone on the rooftop. Meerab had gushed how much she wanted to decorate their room with pictures of them to which she earned an exquisitely raised eyebrow from her fiance.

"Our? You say?"

"Huh- well yea, we're getting married in a few days, I th-thought-, Murtasim are you teasing?"

His laughter filled the room, he had no idea she would get so flustered. Meerab stood there with her arms around her chest rolling her eyes. Her fiance was a menace, but clearly she didn't mind. Meerab dramatically turned on her heels and began walking away, however before she could walk away more than four steps a hand grasped her arm causing her to halt.

Her hair flipped around as she turned her head to see the arm-grabber. "If you don't let go, I'll scream'', she poked her tongue out to him.

"Oh yea, and what do you think is gonna happen then?" Murtasim stepped closer, closing the gap between them while still holding her arm. His voice was seductive, slightly teasing yet sensual. Meerab hitched at the sudden intimacy, his breath was hot against her ear, the closure made Meerab's insides burn, wanting to be closer. She took a step forward making the distance between them disappear completely, her free arm held him by the waist of his waistcoat clutching it tightly as if he was gonna run away. Her chest met with his in this game of intimacy neither of them wanting to to lose, their eyes never broke contact even once, it was fierce, flirtatious and inviting.

Murtasim gulped, the proximity of their chest meeting was alluring, his hand began to wander seamlessly across Meerab's back playing with the ghagra of her kameez slowly making its way to her neck. Her neck looked delicious, his thumb stroking the edge of neck examining it carefully. He licked his lips at the thought of the taste of her, without hesitation he placed soft feathery kisses on her cheek slowly making its way towards his target, the neck. Meerab bit her lip, the atmosphere was so hot making it outrageously challenging not to give in. With one step Murtasim took forward, Meerab took another back until she was backed onto a wall and yet his contact never broke from her skin.

He sucked and bit her neck like he was some child deprived of food while occasionally showering her face with pecks. With each pluck to her neck, Meerab made sounds she didn't know could, she tried to cover her mouth out of embarrassment but Murtasim had faster reflexes, he grabbed both of her wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head.

"Don't try to stop, I want to hear you." He mumbled near her ear before facing her. He studied her face for exactly three seconds, before he attacked her lips with a passionate kiss, his tongue pushed through her mouth exploring her tongue and fought with it forming a spit string. The kiss was erotic, Meerab found herself freeing herself out of his grip and wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. She bit and pulled on his lip teasing him while his hands roamed around the frame of her body, circling his palms around her breasts toying with them. He pinched her hard nipples through the fabric causing her to tilt back her head in pleasure giving him the exact amount of space to explore her collarbones.

"Fuck, Murtasim" Meerab gasped for air, she had never felt this much pleasure before, the betweens of her legs were dripping wet and she knew what that meant. 

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